

The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?
The author of the passage provides evidence to refute which of the following aspects of the hypothesis described in the first paragraph?
Regarding the "doubt" mentioned in the passage, the author would probably agree that it
In the context in which it appears, "pattern" most nearly means
Mathematicians have sometimes acknowledged that ____________ is a requirement for creativity: for example, Poincaré described explicitly a time when he experienced an insight after an incubation period, a period during which the unconscious mind was at work.
Given the ____________ of archival materials related to her subject, it is not surprising that the author is unable to marshal much detailed documentary evidence to support some of her claims.
The term "ragtime opera" was used frequently in the first years of the twentieth century, but more often than not its use was (i)____________. The very idea of "ragtime opera" was viewed as (ii)___________ : opera was regarded as the highest form of musical art; ragtime was at the opposite pole.
Female Korean shellfish divers, known as haenyeo, are (i)____________ the (ii)____________ the international seafood market: since they export most of their products, even consistent harvests translate into unreliable earnings.
Despite the (i)____________ nature of contemporary science, the (ii)____________ of many individuals (iii)____________: the work of women and minority scientists has too often been exploited or deemed rudimentary and unworthy of inclusion into science history books.
Ultimately the ethical implications of neuroscience may be (i)____________ than those of genetics. The transformations of behavior possible by manipulating neurons are both more predictable and more thorough than what can be achieved by altering genes. Even if the ethical and practical constraints on genetic experimentation suddenly (ii)____________, we'd have to wait decades to see the outcome of such experiments. Altering the brain's functioning, by contrast, can produce startlingly (iii)____________ results.
The passage compares kelp holdfasts to tree roots in order to
The author mentions “sentimental novels” primarily to
In the context in which it appears highlighted, “obscure" most nearly means
The passage suggests which of the following about the “earliest generation”?
Though ____________ in his musical expression, the American jazz bassist and composer Charles Mingus eventually developed a personal voice that proved to be much more than a simple mixture of jazz styles.
Recent research has identified ____________ bats' navigational tool, echolocation:smooth, vertical surfaces such as the metal or glass plates on buildings can trick a bat into thinking it is flying in open air.
Though most physicists claim that the standard model of particle physics is wrong, some prefer to say that the theory is ____________: it succeeds in answering certain questions but has nothing to say about others.
As decorated a runner as Shalane Flanagan is, perhaps her greater accomplishment lies in ____________ the rising talent around her: all of her training partners-11 women in total-have qualified for the Olympics.
Which of the following most logically completes the explanation provided?
The primary purpose of the passage is to


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