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The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?
  • A.Metron County's health department rates school cafeterias not only on their cleanliness but also on the overall nutritional quality of the meals they serve.
  • B.Every year for the past five years,whenever a school cafeteria in Metron County received a rating of "excellent" for cleanliness, the proportion of students in that school who regularly ate in the cafeteria increased sharply.
  • C.Last year Metron County imposed strict sanctions to ensure that cafeterias receiving less than an “excellent" rating took measures to increase cleanliness.
  • D.Last year,those school cafeterias in Metron County that did not receive an “excellent" rating served fewer lunches, on average, than did school cafeterias in Metron County as a whole.
  • E.In those Metron County schools that do not serve lunches to students, any areas in which students regularly eat lunches are rated for cleanliness by the county health department.


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