Birds that prey on sage grouse generally hunt by circling over sagebrush and pouncing on sage grouse that come out into the open.
Where there are power lines,however, these predators often survey the ground while sitting on the power lines. Although the area they can survey is smaller, predators sitting on power lines are more likely to catch sage grouse than are predators circling in the air. because ________________.
Which of the following most logically completes the explanation provided?
A.birds that start out sitting on power lines cannot dive to the ground as quickly as birds that have been circling in the air before their dive
B.sage grouse are less likely to come out in the open when they sense something moving in the air than when they do not
C.sage grouse,when disturbed,do not move very swiftly on the ground
D.the birds that prey on sage grouse can spot sage grouse that are out in the open from a considerable distance
E.individual sage grouse do all their foraging in relatively small areas