The author of the passage suggests which of the following regarding Bethune's political activism?
The passage suggests that Bethune eventually came to conclude which of the following regarding “individual behavior”?
The recognition "that inequality was deeply rooted in American institutions" led Bethune to conclude which of the following?
The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?
The passage compares kelp holdfasts to tree roots in order to
According to the passage, sea urchin populations
The author mentions “sentimental novels” primarily to
In the context in which it appears highlighted, “obscure" most nearly means
The passage suggests which of the following about the “earliest generation”?
Which of the following most logically completes the explanation provided?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
What can be inferred from the passage about the silicate melt found around craters?
Based on the passage,it can be inferred that research focused on “a classical case of bilingualism"
In the context of the passage as a whole,the reference to “improvement in cognitive functions" primarily serves to
It can be inferred from the passage that on the issue of how to analyze a literary work, the new historicists would most likely agree with the deconstructionists that
It can be inferred that Hunter regards which of the following to be a shortcoming of historians` traditional analyses discussed in the passage?
Which of the following statements about Arctic plants is supported by the passage?
Which of the following statements about the connection between above-ground plants and below-ground soil communities can be inferred from the passage?
Which of the following issues would it be most useful to resolve in order to evaluate the proposed explanation of the continued rise in the official count of deaths due to Tomkin's disease?
African American organizations' subscriptions to Freedom 's Journal are mentioned in the passage primarily in order to