

A certain spacecraft has 2 separate computer systems, X and Y, each of which functions independently of the other. The probabilities that systems X and Y will function correctly at liftoff are 0.90 and 0.99, respectively. What is the probability that at least one system will function correctly at liftoff?
In the Old Southwest, only writers who showed exceptional __________ were likely to become widely known, because the region's weak infrastructure inhibited the development of publishing beyond local newspapers that served small towns.
Advertising's role in popular music culture has been redefined: instead of a last resort for the creation and distribution of popular music, advertising now functions as a ___________ of music that might otherwise go unheard.
(i) _____________ the cumbersome phraseology of contemporary critical theory, her treatise is, stylistically at least, in sharp contrast with the (ii) _____________ of the prose she is analyzing—prose reflective of a culture that values extreme linguistic compression.
For many in the room, the idea of coming to the assistance of a rival was more than unpleasant: it was _____________.
The overall message of this book on neuroscience is (i) _____________: the brain is quite (ii) _____________, and therefore damaged brains can be healed, aging brains can be rejuvenated, and even ordinarily healthy brains can be made faster and better.
The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also _____________, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.
Researchers concluded that although the success of pearl millet crops in the region varied with seasonal climatic conditions, cultivation remains ____________ because of pearl millet's predisposition to perform under stressful growing conditions, including drought.
The vast majority of universities in the United States promote themselves as institutions of free speech and thought, construing censorship as _____________ their search for knowledge.
According to the passage, reluctance to abandon the logarithmic-spiral model of shell formation arises from the fact that
Which of the following statements about women and music in Europe from 1300 to 1566 is supported by the passage?
Duprat would most likely agree that certain nineteenth-century French female societies
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Which of the following does the author suggest as an incentive to the development of more efficient irrigation?
Marie responds to James by
The units digit of $$7^{n}$$ is r, and the units digit of $$9^{n}$$ is t, where n, r, and t are positive integers. Which of the following could be the value of r+t?

Indicate all such values.
Which of the following numbers satisfy their sum of reciprocals is either less than $$\frac{1}{3}$$ or greater than $$\frac{1}{2}$$ ?

Indicate all such numbers.
n is a positive integer.

Quantity A


Quantity B


If $$k$$ and $$n$$ are distinct digits and $$k \gt n$$, which of the following is the greatest?


25000 +道题目

