


Square ABCD has sides of length 1. Arc AC is an arc of the circle of radius 1 centered at B. Arc BD is an arc of the circle of radius 1 centered at A. These arcs divide the square into four regions, $$S_1, S_2, S_3$$, and $$S_4$$.

Quantity A

The area of region $$S_1$$ minus the area of region $$S_3$$

Quantity B


Data set Q contains 10,000 values. The median of the values is equal to the third quartile of the values.

Quantity A

The 60th percentile of the values in Q

Quantity B

The 70th percentile of the values in Q

A certain company has 50 printers that print at the same constant rate. Working continuously and simultaneously at that rate, it takes 9 of the printers 5 hours to complete print job A. Working continuously and simultaneously at that rate, it takes n of the printers 3 hours to complete print job A.

Quantity A


Quantity B


k is an odd positive integer.

Quantity A

The median of the first k even positive integers

Quantity B

The median of the first 2k+1 positive integers

One of the solutions of the equation $$x^{2}+bx+c=0$$ is -3.

Quantity A


Quantity B


George invested $1,000 at a simple annual interest rate of 5 percent, earning a total of x dollars in interest for the first two years of the investment. Mary invested $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5 percent compounded annually, earning a total of y dollars in interest for the first two years of the investment.

Quantity A


Quantity B


$$R_1$$: -3, -2, -1

$$R_2$$: 1, 2, 3

$$R_3$$: -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3

The standard deviations of the numbers in the lists $$R_1$$, $$R_2$$, and $$R_3$$ are $$s_1$$, $$s_2$$, and $$s_3$$, respectively. Which of the following is true?
A sample of 18 integers has an average (arithmetic mean) equal to m and standard deviation equal to s. Two of the integers are equal to m.

Quantity A

The standard deviation of the 16 integers that are not equal to m

Quantity B


List R: 2, 4, 7, 10, 12

List T: 2, 5, 7, 9, 12

Quantity A

The standard deviation of the numbers in list R

Quantity B

The standard deviation of the numbers in list T

In a candy factory, quality-control tests were conducted on six 1,000-piece batches of candy. The numbers of pieces of candy that were rejected in these batches were 4, 3, 8, 6, 3, and 12, respectively. If the median of these numbers is used topredict the number of rejections in each 1,000-piece batch of candy produced by this factory, what is the total number of rejections predicted for 20 such batches?
How many different 3-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 if all the digits in each number must be different?
If an integer is chosen at random from the integers between 3,000 and 3,799,inclusive,what is the probability that the chosen integer will be between 3,020 and 3,039, inclusive?
Of the 7 guests at a party, 3 are close friends of the host and 4 are acquaintances of the host. At the end of the party,the host will randomly select 2 different guests to win prizes. What is the probability that both of the prizewinners will be among the 3 close friends of the host?
Positive integers m and k are to be chosen such that $$\frac{m}{5} < k < \frac{m}{3}$$

Quantity A

The least possible value of k

Quantity B


x < 1 < y and x ≠ 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


The average (arithmetic mean) of the six numbers $$y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_5$$, and $$y_6$$ is $$k$$. The average of the six numbers $$y_1+k, y_2+k, y_3+k, y_4+k, y_5+k$$, and $$y_6+k$$ is $$m$$.

Quantity A


Quantity B


0 < m < 1 and k=4(9-m)

Quantity A


Quantity B


S= {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27} T= {6, 10, 13, 18. 24, 26, 30}

Quantity A

The number of elements in the intersection of sets S and T

Quantity B

The number of elements in Set T that are not in set S

Quantity A

The number of positive integers less than 1,000 with an odd number of even digits

Quantity B

The number of positive integers less than 1,000 with an odd number of odd digits

The standard deviation of n numbers $$x_{1}$$, $$x_{2}$$, $$x_{3}$$,......, $$x_{n}$$, with mean x is equal to $$\sqrt{\frac{s}{n}}$$, where S is the sum of the squared differences, $$(x_{i}- x)^{2}$$ for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

The mean of the amounts that Vendor 2 charged for the bundles sold in November was $2.80. What was the standard deviation of these amounts?


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