Square BDFG is inscribed in isosceles triangle ACE. If the area of triangular region ACE is 1, what is the area of triangular region BCD?
According to the table, the percent of households in 1980 with neither a microwave oven nor a central air conditioner must be in which of the following inclusive intervals?
If an integer is chosen at random from the integers between 101 and 550, inclusive, what is the probability that the chosen integer will begin with the digit 1, 2 or 3, and end with the digit 4, 5, or 6?
There is little question that in primates there is (i) ___________ between monogamous mating partnerships and extensive male care of infants. Nevertheless, that does not mean male care is(ii) ___________ situations in which females mate with more than one male; studies of savanna baboons show that male care certainly can occur in nonmonogamous systems.
Except for a few passages in the biography in which the subject`s flaws are (i) ___________, the author`s treatment of her subject is (ii)_____________.
The _____________ of Craig`s government had left the nation almost totally unprepared for war when it came.
The (i)____________ in local coverage of a rabies outbreak in colonial Hanoi may be startling today, but it cannot be attributed solely to the (ii)____________ of the era`s journalists. Rather, before the advent of modern public health systems, (iii)____________ the unpleasantness of the disease and its treatment was seen as a way to ensure that the public remained vigilant against possible sources of contagions.
While Pompeian houses vary in their size, ground plan, and decorative schemes, they do tend to _____________ certain consistent design motivations: their owners all seem to have aimed toward creating a certain kind of domestic space.
California's building codes are more _____________ than those elsewhere in the United States to ensure that structures are capable of protecting people from frequent seismic events.
Meteorology is one of the few fields of applied science that demands prediction, since prediction involves considerable uncertainty and uncertainty is _____________ scientists, meteorology will continue to exist in a fraught intellectual space.
Not all Native American languages have lexical classes corresponding to those of other languages: many have no adjectival category, and some have even brought the ________ of nouns and verbs into question.
Meteorology is one of the few fields of applied science that demands prediction; since prediction involves considerable uncertainty and uncertainty is _____________ scientists, meteorology will continue to exist in a fraught intellectual space.
Some critics claim that because medical journals receive (i) _____________ selection of findings from clinical trials—mainly those trials that show (ii) _____________ results for the drugs being tested—readers of those journals believe that some medications are more (iii) _____________ than they really are, even when those medications are little more than placebos.
In the solar system, collisions involving cosmic objects are among the most _____________ processes shaping surfaces: images of many solar system objects show a proliferation of impact craters formed throughout the past 4.5 billion years.
In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?
Which of the following can be inferred about the action mentioned in the highlighted portion of the passage?
Appearing in the midst of so many equivocal comments, this unambiguous statement, whatever its intrinsic merit, plainly stands out as _____.