Many criminologists argue that the chances that first-time offenders will be rehabilitated can be improved by giving them sentences that promote their reintegration into society rather than by sentencing them to jail. In support of this hypothesis, it is often pointed out that whereas 10 percent of first-time offenders sentenced to community service go on to commit further crimes fully 60 percent of first-time offenders who are imprisoned do so. The hypothesis thus seems strongly confirmed. In actual fact, however, the statistics cited do little to prove it, since judges tend to impose jail sentences on those first-time offenders they consider likely to commit further crimes.
In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?
A.The first is a position that the argument rejects; the second is a judgment about the significance of evidence that has been offered in support of that position
B.The first is a position that the argument defends; the second is judgment about the significance of evidence that has been used to attack that position
C.The first is evidence that has been offered in support of a position rejected in the argument; the second states that position
D.The first is evidence presented in support of a position defended in the argument; the second is a judgment about the force of other evidence that has been used to attack that position
E.The first is evidence whose significance is evaluated in the argument; the second is the evaluation that the argument supports