

Traditional Vietnamese culture has long promoted the idea of gender equality. Founding myths (i)_____ the equal division of labor in child care for mothers and fathers. As is often the case, however, theoretical commitments are (ii)_____ actual processes. In reality, gender-based (iii)_____ persists.
Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but remarkably enough put the two together, and you have an economic innovation that has become not just (i)_____ but downright (ii)_____.
If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)_____ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)_____ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to differentiate their products and stave off price competition.
Consolidating a memory is not instantaneous or even _____: every memory must be encoded and moved from short-term to long-term storage, and some of these memories are, for whatever reason, more vividly imprinted than others.
Instead of demonstrating the _____ of archaeological applications of electronic remote sensing, the pioneering study became, to some skeptics, an illustration of the imprudence of interpreting sites based on virtual archaeology.
The town`s air was consistently _____________: depending on the breeze, one might be greeted with the sour effluvia of twenty breweries, choking fumes from the coal factory, or brackish smells from the nearby river.
The description of Green`s scholarship as (i)_____ is grossly misleading: while her research on interstellar particles is not especially novel, the conclusions she draws from her data are (ii)_____.
The passage is primarily concerned with
The author of the passage implies which of the following about the political importance of the type of urban water management system described in the passage?
As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?
According to the passage, the behavior of male and female Diana monkeys differs in that female Diana monkeys
The passage suggests which of the following about the "contradiction" mentioned in the highlighted sentence?
The author implies which of the following about natural resources in South China prior to 6,500 years ago?

The author mentions "studies of lake and shallow ocean sediments" primarily in order to
There has been (i)_____ elephant's fabled mental capacities until recently, when these behavioral observations have begun to be (ii)____ by brain science. MRI scans of an elephant's brain suggest that even relative to its overall size it has a large hippocampus, the component in the mammalian brain linked to memory and an important part of its limbic system, which is involved in precessing emotions.
Reviews written by music critic and composer Stephenson were hardly (i)_____ : musicians who performed his music could count on sympathetic coverage, while those who ignored him were held to (ii)_____ standards.
To get founding and tenured positions, medical researchers have to get their work published in well-regarded journals, where rejection can climb above 90 percent. Not surprisingly, the studies that tend to make the grade are those that make (i)_____ claims. But while coming up with such (ii)_____ claims is relatively easy, getting the data to bear them out is another matter. When studied rigorously, the great majority of these claims (iii)_____.
"RESIGNATION", an English word the French novelist Christian Oster would no doubt appreciate, presents an elegant paradox: in one sense, it indicated a bold step, a cleaving of oneself from an attachment grown onerous; in another, it`s the height of _____, an acquiescence to fate.


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