

It can be inferred from the passage that supporters of the intermediate- disturbance hypothesis would most likely agree with which of the following claims?
Ironically, the recent ____________ of the reductive observational methods that have enabled science to progress for four centuries may turn out to be science's next step forward.
He listened patiently, encouragingly, and with quiet amusement to my enthusiasm. Indeed, this turned out to be our pattern: I, more ignorant but more (i)____________, would babble on, while he would offer (ii)________________ objection or refinement.
Animals whose behavioral traits are (i)____________ thereby have a level of (ii)____________ when environmental conditions vary. However, studies of animal personality also suggest that the behavior of individual animals can be constrained to certain behavioral types, leading to consistent differences between individuals.
Despite their (i)____________ superior financial and organizational resources, pulp and paper firms moving into the American South in the first half of the twentieth century could not simply impose their will on the region. Nor could they assume that properly functioning markets for land, labor, and timber would (ii)____________. Instead, they had to develop strategies to (iii)____________ such markets that would be compatible with the complex regional politics of land and labor.
If a figure such as the editor and writer Pauline Hopkins presents (i)____________ challenges to a would-be biographer because of her confounding periods of silence, largely unknown personal life, and (ii)____________ papers, the problems posed by John Edward Bruce are of the opposite kind: he published (iii)____________ throughout his life, had an extensive correspondence, and left a huge trove of materials at his death.
Which of the following best characterizes the "contradiction" that the author refers to?
According to the passage, solitude had which of the following effects for the nineteenth-century female traveler?
Information in the passage suggests that critics before 1900 were less interested than are present-day critics in which of the following?
The passage mentions which of the following as an objection to still-life painting raised by critics before 1900?
It can be inferred from the passage that before 1900 critics' discussions of still-life painting would have been LEAST likely to include which of the following?
In the twentieth century, many corporations succeeded by ____________ innovation: they found that the surest way to grow was to perfect the manufacturing of the same products, year after year.
When first introduced, cubicle workspaces were seen as having ____________ effect on office workers, but as cubicle sizes steadily shrank, the aspirations of the people working in them became increasingly constrained.
In many branches of science, our knowledge and technology have advanced so rapidly that new studies carried out with improved instruments and techniques may well ____________ research done just twenty years earlier.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Which of the following assertions about readers can be inferred from the passage?
Which of the following can be inferred about the study conducted by Prentice, Gerrig, and Bailis?
According to the current view, a feature that distinguishes Earth's mantle from its core is that the mantle
In the passage, Descartes' description of Earth's interior is presented as

The number k is the value of n rounded to the nearest tenth, and the number m is the value of n rounded to the nearest thousandth.

Quantity A


Quantity B



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