

The wholesale prices of four types of backpacks are $$p_{1}$$, $$p_{2}$$, $$p_{3}$$, and $$p_{4}$$. A store orders these backpacks in the quantities of 65, 75, 50, and 60 backpacks, respectively. For which one of the four prices, if it were increased by 20 percent, would the total cost of the order increase by the greatest amount?

In the figure above, ABCD is a square and BC is a diameter of the circle. What is the area of the shaded region?
When the integer n is divided by 35, the remainder is 14. Which of the following must be a divisor of n?
From 1989 to 1992, there was a 10 percent increase in the percent of families that owned directly held stocks. Which of the following is closest to the percent of families who owned directly held stocks in 1989?
If 38.7 percent of the families who owned a home owed money on a home mortgage loan or home equity loan, or both, approximately what percent of United States families owned homes free of both home mortgage and home equity loans?
In 1992, if 7.9 percent of the families in the survey owned both savings bonds and mutual funds, what percent owned neither savings bonds nor mutual funds?

In the xy-plane, the vertices of triangle RST have coordinates (-k,k), (k, 2k), and (k+2, k), as shown. What is the area of triangle RST in terms of k?
In interviews, the filmmaker comes off as so ____________ that it is almost impossible to believe that she has made such a provocative, sophisticated movie.
Political advertising may well be the most (i) _____ kind of advertising: political candidates are usually quite (ii) _____, yet their campaign advertisements often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans.
Political ads have remained strikingly similar since the 1950s, whereas consumer ads have evolved dramatically. The difference seems to be that consumer advertisers prize (i)____________, whereas political advertisers prize (ii)____________. In that regard, political ads function as microcosms of politics generally-characterized by frequent and dramatic hyperbole but resistant to all but the most (iii)____________ change.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
Select the sentence that describes some of the factors that hamper archaeological investigation of past agricultural practices.
It can be inferred from the passage that the written records about the Apalachee that describe farming
It is common to quote David Hume arguing against the possibility of reasoned ethics--for example, his observation that "the rules of morality ... are not conclusions of our reason." Hume's remarks on the relation between reason and ethics are so myriad that it would be presumptuous to seek a definitive clarification of his position. But it is worth noting that immediately preceding the remark just quoted, Hume declares: "Morals excite passions, and produce or prevent actions. Reason of itself is utterly impotent in this particular.” The qualification "of itself" is important to note. This is, in fact, not an argument that reason is unimportant for morality or for motivating action. It argues only that reason cannot accomplish this entirely on its own.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The author quotes Hume in the first sentence of the passage primarily to
Stannard may be hoping to resurrect Spark's literary reputation with this book, given its ____________ praise for her creative talents.
When called before Congress to testify about the revocation of his passport, Paul Robeson defiantly ____________ his inquisitors for violating his rights.
The young conservative's college years were probably a lonely time, during which she made a few political contacts but was repeatedly the recipient of ____________ from the progressive young women at her college.
b is the tens digit and c is the ones digit of the two-digit positive integer n, where 1 ≤ b ≤ c ≤ 6.

Quantity A

The number of possible values of n

Quantity B



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