The recent popularity of gourmet coffees has greatly increased the demand for coffee beans grown on Firme Island. Last year alone, specialty coffee shops sold 150,000 pounds of coffee beans labeled "grown on Firme Island", double the sales figure of 75,000 pounds three years ago. Since Firme Island has a yearly coffee-growing capacity of only 100,000 pounds, it must be that owners of many of these specialty coffee shops have been deceiving their customers.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A.Coffee growers on Firme Island have been exploring number of ways of increasing the island's coffee-growing capacity.
B.In most cities, the price per pound of specialty coffee beans has increased during the last year.
C.For the past several years, virtually all of the coffee beans that were grown on Firme Island have been sold and consumed within a few months after being harvested.
D.Coffee trees are not indigenous to Firme Island but were introduced there about 100 years ago.
E.Owners of specialty coffee shops who are not knowledgeable about the differences among different varieties of coffee beans tend to rely on the honesty and integrity of their suppliers.