

Even by the poet`s own high standard of what it means to be (i)_____, her early years were extremely (ii)_____: she published five volumes of poems in a short six-year period.
A main reason that primates are so (i)_____is that they are, for the most part, very (ii)_____. Walk through a tropical forest, and it is highly likely that if you encounter any mammals, it will be a primate that you see or hear.
The author of the passage refers to Weems`s The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington primarily in order to
It can be inferred from the passage that Stanley Fish`s opinion of biography as a genre is based on his
It can be inferred from the passage that Sparks disapproved of Weems`s The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington because of which of the following?
As an aspiring politician, Gurstein aims to avoid __________ tone in her public addresses, one that might insult potential voters.
Though the treatise on geography was once thought to represent a definitive shift away from a medieval conception of the cosmos, revisionist historians of cartography have come to __________ the continuity of Renaissance geography with medieval precedents.
The community remains deeply divided over funding for the new school: the __________ that many residents had hoped for has not occurred.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the professor`s argument?
The passage suggests which of the following about women`s achievement of voting rights?
The author of the passage discusses voter turnout rates primarily in order to
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The passage implies which of the following about eighteenth-century European portraiture?
The ability of the Grand Banks cod fishery to sustain intensive cod harvesting for many years gave it a reputation for __________ that deceived even scientifically sophisticated observers.
The limits of the show, however, are less consequential than the limits of its host. Her approach to the family crises described by the guests is stunningly (i)_____; it`s the narrowness of her repertoire that leads her to (ii)_____ the important questions, not the constraints of the medium.
Because it is a subject discussed by humanities scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, "affect" has been (i)_____ defined; nonetheless, there has been (ii)_____ the terms "emotion" and "affect" across academic writing in the humanities.
The (i)_____ of community ecology and population ecology is (ii)_____ insofar as the two subdisciplines partly address issues at different hierarchical levels and different spatial and temporal scales. But it is harmful insofar as it (iii)_____ the fields` mutual enrichment.
The passage is primarily concerned with
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the view held by Higgs?
The author of the passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?


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