Professor:A manuscript described by an auction house as the draft of an unknown Thomas Hardy novel set in southwestern England is unlikely to be authentic. In his published novels, Hardy always used the same fictional names for actual towns in southwestern England; for instance, Exeter was always called Exonbury. Yet in the manuscript for sale several clearly identifiable towns have fictional names different from the names they were standardly given in Hardy's published novels.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the professor's argument?
A.Hardy was very reluctant to allow anyone access to papers pertaining to works in progress.
B.The manuscript being auctioned was written before the publication date of Hardy's first published novel.
C.All of the towns mentioned in the manuscript are clearly identifiable as fictional counterparts of towns in southwestern England.
D.Drafts of some of Hardy's novels were written several years before the final, published version.
E.Authenticated drafts of Hardy's known novels all use the same place-names as appeared in the published novels.