

It is normal for artists who achieve great acclaim during their lifetimes to be considered _____ shortly after their deaths, only to have their reputations restored by subsequent generations.
The central idea of the worldview known as “consilience” is that all tangible phenomena are based on material process that are ultimately reducible, however long and _____ the sequences, to the laws of physics.
No one (i)_____ that building a ship powered by black holes or dark matter would be a formidable task. Yet remarkably there seems to be nothing in our present understanding of physics that (ii)_____ our doing so.
According to some political analysts, the candidate's occasionally rambling responses to questions suggest that she has been out of circulation for a while and her debating skills need to be _____.
Because the critic thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, writers seeking his approbation _____ the vernacular.
A few decades ago the idea of animal morality would have been met with __________; however, recent research suggests that animals not only act altruistically but also have the capacity for empathy, forgiveness, trust, and reciprocity.
The often-cited parallels between human communities and insect colonies are _____: the cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the insects genetic ties, while humans often collaborate with non-relatives.
Every illness is a story, and when Annies began it was characterized by the kinds of _____ details that mean nothing until seen in hindsight.
Though she had some exposure to great art and high culture, it must be said the ultra athletic Marion Carstairs remained throughout her life primarily (i)_____ mental and artistic pursuits. She was by nature (ii)______.
Contrary to popular myth, cockroaches are not especially tough or radiation resistant; indeed, they are pretty _____ as insects go.
It is plausible to regard a collection of letters spanning youth and old age as (i)_____ of autobiography: the precession of characters who inhabit a life and a chronology of incidents turn up reliably in either form. Yet autobiography, even when ostensibly steeped in candor, tends toward (ii)_____ through later perspectives, afterwords, and second thoughts, whereas letters have an undeniable (iii)_____, offering select glimpses of the fought and living moment.
This book cannot be evaluated properly without examining the author's choice of format, which is the (i)______ of the format of standard academic works; here the photographs take center stage, with the text playing only a supporting role. This layout poses many dangers for the serious historian, not the least of which being the (ii)______ reception that academics—motivated partly by (iii)______ but also by genuine concern over scholarly standards—generally reserve for books apparently aimed at the popular market.
It is inevitable that ongoing research presupposes some accepted science as a principle. Usually no one even notices the implication that the accepted principle is being (i)______ unless there emerges (ii)______ that turns out to be sufficiently (iii)______ that the assumptions underlying the research come to be considered.
Though Fine leavens her work with humor and playfulness, she can be _______ writer, mincing no words in her judgements of other scientists' work.
Those who blame the inadequacies of science education for students' lack of reasoning skills perpetuate their productive notion of science as (i)_____, unique in its capacity to inoculate us against superstition and ignorance. Certainly a good science education can (ii)_____ habits of mind, but the (iii)_____ effect of education in nonscientific, humanistic subjects such as literature and history should not be underrated.
There is very little _____ in culture: an art form or a practice (or a language or an institution) can become extinct in a generation if it does not evolve.
Computers' triumph in chess had been engineered not by creating machines that (i)_____ human thought, as most experts in artificial intelligence had expected, but by perfecting machines that played like machines. The analogy with flight is (ii)_____: as long as people tried to fly by imitating birds, attaching wings to their arms and flapping madly, they were (iii)_____ to fail. Once engineering escaped the paradigm of the familiar, however, people were soon flying much faster than birds.
Greg's weekly salary is $187, which is 15 percent less than Karla's weekly salary. If Karla's weekly salary increases by 10 percent,by what percent must Greg's weekly salary increase in order to equal Karla's new weekly salary?

Give your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

In the triangle, if $$y$$ =30, then $$x$$ =
If r postage stamps were divided evenly among 3 girls, each girl would receive s postage stamps. If the r postage stamps were dividded evenly among 5 girls, each girl would receive t postage stamps. If s-t=48, what is the value of r?


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