

The probability that a component fails during first use is 0.1.

If the component doesn`t fail during first use, then the probability that the component will not fail in the following six months is 0.8.

Quantity A

The probability that the component will not fail within six months

Quantity B


A box contains a certain number of cards, each of which is labeled by one of the values 4, 8, or 10. The numbers of cards labeled by each value are directly proportional to the values on the cards. What is the least possible number of cards in the box labeled by the value 10?
Last season, Pat won 60% of the chess games she played, and tied 25% as many games as she won. If she tied a total of 3 games, how many more games did she win than lose?
Which of the following is an odd integer?
Which of the following is the best estimate of $$\frac{(16.8)(10^{3})}{(0.51)(10^{-11})}$$?
A company has assets worth $150,000 and liabilities worth $70,000, giving it an asset-to-liability ratio of approximately 2.1. The company will borrow x dollars, and the amount borrowed will be added to both the assets and the liabilities. If the asset-to-liability ratio is to be greater than 1.2 after the money is borrowed, which of the following could be the value of x?

Indicate all such values.
The function $$h$$ is defined by $$h(x)=10^{(x+1)}$$ for all integers $$x$$. Which of the following is equal to $$\frac{h(x+1)-h(x)}{3}$$ for all integers x??
In the rectangular coordinate system, a certain line has slope 3. Which of the following pairs of points could be on the line?
In the ceiling of a room, an opening was cut in the shape of a square with sides that are 1 foot in length. A circular fixture will be placed over the opening. If the circular fixture covers the square opening completely, which of the following could be the diameter of the circular fixture, in inches? (Note: 1 foot = 12 inches)

Indicate all such diameters.
If a person is randomly chosen from Country M, approximately what is the probability that the person will have one of the two most common of the eight blood types?
In region $$R_3$$, for how many of the eight blood types are there fewer than 100,000 people with that blood type?
Approximately how many people who live in region $$R_4$$ have blood type B-Rh+?
List M consists of 11 numbers, all of which are integers. Each number in M is at least -22 and at most 33, and both -22 and 33 are in M . If the median of the numbers in M is 0 , what is the range of the possible values of the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in M ?

The table above summarizes customer satisfaction ratings for two banks, where each rating is an integer from 1 to 10. Which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.

The figure above shows a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation d, including approximate percents of the distribution corresponding to the six regions shown.

The lengths of phone calls made on a certain weekend by students at High School H are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 30 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.
If an integer is chosen at random from the integers between 101 and 550, inclusive, what is the probability that the chosen integer will begin with the digit 1, 2 or 3, and end with the digit 4, 5, or 6?
In the early 1960s, Hofstadter observed that intellectuals tend to view business as the “classic enemy” of intellectualism and that businessmen themselves have so long accepted this role that by now their ___________ is seen as a fact of nature.
The sound of disembodied human breathing in Miyazaki`s films is at once a presence, close to the listener`s ear, and a ghostly absence due to its lack of a visual __________.
There is a revelation on almost every page of this book, and the author's prose is ____________ in the best possible way: blunt, sweet, off-kilter, and often quite funny.
Responsibility for the nation's decline rests squarely with a people who take for granted their claims to preeminence but do not ____________ interest in or commitment to actually maintaining it.


25000 +道题目

