

The author of the passage mentions eighteenth-century advertising primarily in order to
The passage suggests which of the following about the "scholars"?
According to the passage, which of the following is true about Chaudhuri's work?
It can be inferred that the author of the passage would agree with which of the following statements about Chaudhuri's work?
It can be inferred that the author of the passage most probably mentions Salman Rushdie as an example of a writer who
The new editor's (i)_____________ has unquestionably benefited the magazine, It has reorienfed the publication toward (ii)_____________ joumalism and rescued it from the (iii)_____________ course it had been pursuing in recent vears, when it expanded its coverage of frivolous celebrity gossip to compete with tabloids. l may not sell as many copies as it once did, but it is a better, more eamestly thoughtful magazine. Blank (i)
Although Beatrice Webb's career ostensibly involved_____________ shift from philanthropy to socinl researeh, her stories suggest that working in nineteenth-century London involved a complex negotiation between the two roles.
Taken together, that ill-assorted pair, Johannes Itten and Walter Gropius, expressed how (i) _____________the Bauhaus School's nature actually was. It was at once utopian and (ii)_____________, intuitive and scientific, highly ordered and subversively anarchic. Blsnk (i)
Although the (i)_____________ nature of her account of the attack produces (ii) _____________ that makes us withhold both our sympathy and our revulsion, other scenes are less (iii) _____________: she describes Noceba's joumey to the hospital with an economy that makes the danger especinlly palpable. Blank (i)
The standard wisdom now is that sciences undergo periodic ruptures so thorough that the generations of scientists on either side of the break express themselves in mutually_____________ languages.
Perhaps the best one can say of this new book of criticism is that it is scintillatingly (i)_____________. The author is adept at dealing with trivial details in the poets he studies, but he is quite (ii)_____________ when it comes to illuminating the overall vision. The verbal intricacy and panache of his writing contrast with its conceptual (iii) _____________. lf there are very few authentic ideas in the poems under consideration, there is also a shortage of them in the author's commentary.
One object of examining past medical practices is to identify useful knowledge amid its now outmoded trappings; the alternative is to let such knowledge _____________ along with the discredited theories with which it was associated.
In a time when so much new concert music failed to speak to listeners, the composer's symphonies expressed with _____________ wit and scorching emotional power the tragic history he lived through.
The late nineteenth century saw a shift in the production of African American history writing as works by _____________ authors came to be outnumbered by the publications of professional African American academics.
.Given that in human prehistory social life was organized in close-knit communities, early forms of economic exchange were probably (i) _____________ other social relations; however, with trade taking place across ever greater geographic distances, there is evidence that economic and social networks became increasingly (ii) _____________.
Finally, here is a biography of the musical theater colossus Stephen Sondheim that is informative and perceptive rather than a plodding and-then-he-wrote chronology or a fan's outpouring of unvarnished _____________.
Paradoxically, the 1980s creations of avant-garde desiqners such as Rei Kawakubo, defined by their divergence from traditional Japanese fashions, came to be seen as_____________ Japanese garments.
The snow-covered surface of the lake presents a reassuring illusion of _____________, but beneath the snow the ice is riven with treacherous cracks.
Central control of the country's power grid is difficult because of the _____________ of the electricity industry-it is made up of hundreds of local networks with separate owners.
The songwriter' s (i) _____________ nature can lead her audiences to forget that her songs are about painful experiences just as often as they are about (ii) ______________ ones.


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