

Nancy Weiss Malkiel's painstakingly detailed history of coeducation at elite universities is an invaluable _____________ the amnesia that has come to envelop even such a relatively recent-but critically neglected-development.
For centuries people used the vocabulary of medicine to think about how our bodies are structured, but the language of distinct organs and systems does not do justice to the _____________ nature of the body.
Williams argues that philosophy has become _____________ occupation these days, and that it should rather be "part of a more general attempt to make the best sense of our life."
The effect of the film's expansive, darkly mournful opening sequence was magnified by a score that was similarly _____________ and unrelenting.
His contributions to the discovery of penicillin are (i)_____________ and yet, when the scientific world duly recognized the work of those principally involved in the research, his name was, astonishingly, (ii)_____________.
The climate researchers' _____________ method of presentation caused a stir among those who felt that scientific papers should be dispassionate in their delivery of evidence.
lranian astronomy during the Sassanian period (226-651 C.E.) was ____________, blending concepts and methods derived from lran's indigenous traditions with those of her neighbors, especially India and the Hellenistic world.
Being amenable to so many interpretations, the new data, though _____________, did not ultimately present a serious challenge to established theory.
Although the choreographer has been known to push the boundaries of experimentalism, she says she is not particularly interested in _____________ for its own sake.
Automated text-matching and plagiarism-detection services must be _____________ human expertise: machines alone cannot detect plagiarism of ideas, that is, expressing someone else's idea in one's own words.
Epidemiological studies have found that occasional tea drinkers, and those who avoid tea altogether, do not reap the benefits of lowered risk ofheart attack that those who _____________ the brew do.
Eighteenth-century translators who (i)_____________ deviations from their source texts were not (ii)_____________, since literalism in translation had been roundly denounced in the previous century.
Models of the interior evolution of Venus suggest that the planet (i)_____________ periods of relative (ii)_____________ and periods of instability and rapid surface overturn. ln other words, Venus may "freak out" occasionally, getting rid of its internal heat in great planetwide (iii)_____________ of activity, rather than in the steadier cycling of lithospheric plates that occurs on Earth.
Observing responses to environmental threats, he contrasts planet fetishizers, who imagine a suddenly _____________ humanity restoring Earth to its pristine state, with planet managers, who believe in the effectiveness of technological control.
By its subtitle, Pamela Lu's Pamela: A Novel assigns itself to a literary genre whose constitutive elements it _____________: if it is a novel, it is an anomalous one, with no story to unfold.
As companies dealing in satellite imagery begin to _____________ their data products diurnally, people will soon be able to see huge swaths of the planet change daily.
The Holy People in Navajo sacred narratives do not act as moral _____________: when they teach, it is as often by what they do wrong as by what they do right.
Not only are RNA viruses common, they are _____________ in that they adapt quickly to new environments and new hosts.
Elephants are known to use a wide variety of calls, many of them infrasonic (below the level of human hearing), in coordinating group behavior, The infrasonic calls usually have a component that is (i)______________, but these higher frequency aspects of the calls (ii)_____________ very quickly with distance, so that in the wild, human observers are often (iii)_____________ sudden coordinated movements of large groups of elephants when no signal was apparent to the observer.
Critics have raved about the beauty of Peck's prose, but in his fiction, at least, the diction has only gotten more portentous with time, the writing more overwrought, and the symbolism more _____________.


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