

In the northeastern United States, beaver populations had been critically reduced or even _____ in large areas at the end of nineteenth century; as a result, several states instituted prohibitions on beaver trapping.
Because movie studios, under pressure to generate international sales, have favored big-budget pictures with fantasy plots, the representation of everyday domestic life has largely been _____ other media, such as television and literature.
Neuroscientists are excited by technological progress that facilitates brain mapping, the most _____ of them comparing their growing abilities to tremendous advances that led to unimaginable success of the Human Genome Project.
As a historical genre, biography is best when _____, a careful reconstruction of the past in all its unfamiliar particularity.
Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom _____ the public, which rather seems resigned to a sense of impotency.
The ambassador's critical remarks seemed to be less a product of _____ and more the careless utterances of a fatigued or undisciplined individual.
Individuals, governments, and companies show ample ability to _____ themselves by setting goals based on current conditions and then blindly following them even when those conditions change drastically.
Coagulation factors are useful proteins whose simple names—many are known only by Roman numerals—_____ their importance and the specificity of their roles in the thinning and clotting of blood.
The characters in this comic strip fret about the (i)_____ of their “little counterculture lives”, especially when terrible things are happening in the world, but the cartoonist makes their lives (ii)_____ in ways that do not seem (iii)_____ at all. Real things happen here—births, deaths, adoptions, affairs, breakups, commitments, ceremonies, civil union—and they matter.
The passage is primarily concerned with
According to the passage, village sketches written by women in the United States in the 1830s and 1840s typically reflected
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?
The passage is primarily concerned with
As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways?
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?
The lack of (i)______ the poetry of the postwar decades has led not, as one might have expected, to (ii)______ poetry, but to a curious closure in which all poets and forms of poetry are (iii)_______ and alone, not even respected establishment poets, command excitement.
Among geophysicists there was considerably less (i)_________ the proposed environment measure than the (ii)_______ media accounts of the conference would suggest: the debate was often animated but never uncivil.
For literary critics and book reviewers, the notion of critical authority has become ______in an age of quick, teeming Internet response, where all the old critical standards and parameters are in the process of being reinvented.
Rosen argues that in the early years of the United States, individual states played important roles in the governance of American Indians, thereby ________ the common assumption that Indian policy was exclusively the federal government's domain.


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