The breathless pace of the Broadway adaptation of Alice Walker's The Color Purple was _____________ given the adaptation's determination to cram in so many of the incidents that appear in the original source.
The mating system of humpback whales appears to rely on_____________: although humpbacks are found in widely varying densities throughout any winter breeding range, they frequently return in large numbers to specific locations.
In a recent citizen-scientist participation project, zealous volunteers (i)_____________organizers by classifying an entire catalog of galaxies years ahead of schedule; (ii)_____________by the_____________ of the volunteers, the research team was inspired to pursue lines of research they had never even imagined.
The so-called English heritage film, often adapted from well-known literary works and characterized by lavish period details, has been derided for its artful packaging of a fantasized and sentimental version of a lost Englishness. Even when such films (i)_____________the national past, the (ii)_____________ of their commentaries is(ii)_____________by the nostalgia-inducing effect of their spectacle.
Even if quantum logic has not been shown to be wrong, it has proved to be_____________,it fails to link up in interesting ways with mainstream developments in mathematical physics.
Scientists could not build on each other' s work if they could not trust the published work of other scientists; thus progress in science depends on the _____________of practicing scientists.
The (i)_____________that one occasionally finds in the columnist's articles are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more (ii)_____________ than she in fact is.
Divided into separate essays on different aspects of Jacques-Louis David's late career, Bordes' catalog(i)_____________a great deal of knowledge, never providing a full introduction to the painter's life or to the period in which he lived. Yet while the book may (ii)_____________the casual reader, cognoscenti will delight in the wonderfully complete detail on each picture, not to mention the caustic little jabs at colleaques that Bordes occasionally delivers. The world of David scholarship, as befits its subject, is not a (iii)_____________place.
The society of the ancient Moche of northern Peru was_____________one: it was ruled by local lords who were overseen by an elite composed of administrative and religious authorities.
Automated text-matching and plagiarism-detection services must be_____________human expertise: machines alone cannot detect plagiarism of ideas, that is, expressing someone else's idea in one's own words.
Some experts now feel that exercise should not be regarded as_____________ other treatments for depression: they believe that exercise can itself serve as an appropriate remedy for some forms of the mood disorder.
One of the most appealing things about Sloterdijk's philosophy is his willingness to be_____________; he does not attempt to anticipate and to refute all possible objections.
The 1938 "War of the Worlds" fiasco, in which millions of people supposedly believed that a fictional radio program about a Martian invasion was true, is held up as an example of the(i)_____________of the American public. While Americans are portrayed as (ii)_____________in this version of the story, research reveals that most listeners knew the program was fictional.
The world we inhabit is extremely rich in detail and may be very complex. (i)_____________when solving a problem or executing a task, (ii)_____________
aspects of the reality are (iii)_____________: for instance, when one is planning a flight, the physical attributes of the aircraft, such as color or the exact shape and size, are irrelevant and can be ignored.
Whether the director's action was pusillanimous or merely _____________, the effect was the same: many board members argued against continuing to entrust leadership to a person who was perceived as unwilling to take risks.
Hamlin Garland has tried to appeal to a wider audience by moving away from the gritty realism of his early writings, which often advanced populist political causes, and toward _____________mainstream fiction.
O' Brien solicited potential contributors to his project by detailing how the glory of its success would_____________all who were associated with it.
The priorities at astronomical observatories changed dramatically in the period, A major reason was the(i) _____________government funding for solar system research: the national government, eager to bolster the sense that the country was a supportive place for scientists, made a concerted effort to (ii)_____________studies of the moon, the planets, and near space.
In 1926 Coco Chanel revolutionized fashion with the introduction of the little black dress, or LBD, a garment that became so culturally(i)_____________that today many women own at least one. Although in recent years the LBD's very(ii)_____________has seen it relegated to the high-fashion margins,(iii)_____________as too safe, it now seems to be making a comeback.
A number of animals appear to have the capacity for thinking about certain situations and showing flexible, adaptive behavior, whereas others appear to behave_____________, with little or no thought at all.