

The author of the passage mentions black holes in order to provide
In general, naive individuals appear more likely to learn from interaction with familiar rather than unfamiliar members of their species. Kaveliers and colleagues (2005) reported that naive laboratory-bred deer mice showed greater social learning of defensive responses to biting flies after observing responses of familiar members than after observing responses of unfamiliar members. Earlier, Valsecchi and colleagues (1996) reported striking differences in social learning of food preferences among Mongolian gerbils, depending on whether they were exposed to familiar or unfamiliar demonstrators. At the time, this was unexpected because Gaief and colleagues (1984)had previously reported no familiarity effect in Norway rats on social learning of food preferences. However, Gaief et al (1998) subsequently uncovered a significant familiarity effect that was evident when demonstrators are some hours before interacting with observers but absent when demonstrators are immediately before interacting.
The phrase “These kinds of experiences” in the passage refers to experiences in Lynch's view are
Which of the following, if true about Stanton, most seriously weakens the argument?
It can be inferred that the term “porous frontiers” is used to refer to
The physical (i)_____ seen in the remains of soldiers who fought in the fifteenth-century battle of Towton is unsurprising, given the (ii)_____ origins of the men who took the battlefield that day.
According to the passage, which of the following is true of Han dynasty writers' attitudes toward women and cloth production?
The action in Zadie Smith's novel On Beauty is mediated by an unabashedly _____ narrator who does not hesitate to inform us, as once upon a time the narrators of novels were wont to do, how we behave in general and how society usually works.
Since the data we have analyzed are so _____, it would be hazardous to draw a definite conclusion.
They applaud the musicals of the 1930s and 1940s, whose plethora of stars, jokes, dances witty dialogue, and general gaiety make today's offering seem _____ by comparison.
It may not seem like a big deal for produce distributors to mix together soybeans from different farms, but a growing number of buyers are willing to pay a premium for soybeans the _____ of which is know: they like to know exactly where their food came from.
Given that the department director was such a feeble contributor, sitting silently at important policy meetings and usually deferring to low-level aides, it was surprising that he had such a reputation for _____.

No one (i)_____ that building a ship powered by black holes or dark matter would be a formidable task. Yet remarkably there seems to be nothing in our present understanding of physics that (ii)_____ our doing so.
According to Dr. Edith Widder, measuring the level of pollutants in sediment provides a more accurate and robust indication of an estuary's health than does measuring the level of chemicals in the water, since pollution in water is (i)_____, but pollution in sediment is (ii)_____
The inconspicuous location and lack of striking vistas that characterize the villa reflect the _____ aspect of its creator's personality.
The often-cited parallels between human communities and insect colonies are _____: the cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the insects genetic ties, while humans often collaborate with non-relatives.
Throughout much of the twentieth century, common scientific sense seemed to dictate that animals could not make a choice based on rational or aesthetic criteria. Such choices were (i)_____ the mental capacity of humans. Scientists who (ii)_____ this animal-human cognitive division were often accused of anthropomorphism.
This book cannot be evaluated properly without examining the author's choice of format, which is the (i)______ of the format of standard academic works; here the photographs take center stage, with the text playing only a supporting role. This layout poses many dangers for the serious historian, not the least of which being the (ii)______ reception that academics—motivated partly by (iii)______ but also by genuine concern over scholarly standards—generally reserve for books apparently aimed at the popular market.
Given that the department director was such a feeble contributor, sitting silently at important policy meetings and usually deferring to low-level aides, it was surprising that he had such a reputation for ______.
If all stars are fiery gas balls like our own sun, and if the principle that the situation of our own solar system is not (i)_____ is (ii)_____, then one might think that many other stars should be surrounded by a retinue of planets and moons.


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