Of the following, which division had the greatest percent increase in revenue for the one-year time period indicated?
For how many of the years shown was the revenue of the aviation division less than double the revenue of at least one of the other divisions?
Of the people surveyed in the age-group 65 or older, if the ratio of the number of women to the number of men was 3 to 2, how many women were in that age-group?
Of the people surveyed who had long-term-care insurance, how many were age 55 years or older?
Which of the following is closest to the percent of all people surveyed who were in the age-group 45-54 and had long-term-care insurance?
The number of people currently employed in agriculture is what percent of the total number of people currently employed in the five sectors shaded in the graph?
If the responses summarized in the table represent an 80 percent return from the total number of departments receiving the survey questionnaire, how many departments received the survey questionnaire?
If a department uses exactly 2 of the types of software, how many different pairs are possible?
What is the greatest possible number of responding departments that could be using both exploratory and symbolic manipulation software packages?