

Cunliffe is intellectually indebted to the Annales school of French economic and social historians, which emphasized largely static environmental influences and long-term historical continuity and regarded political events mainly as________.

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Quantity B


The variables x and y are related by a linear equation. If y increases by 4 whenever x increases by 1, which of the following equations could represent the relationship between x and y?

Indicate all such equations.
An artist will arrange 5 identical plastic apples in wooden bowls-one made of maple, one of oak, and one of pine. How many different arrangements are possible such that each bowl will contain at least one apple?
Darrell has a collection of 40 DVDs, each of which contains one movie. There are 17 comedy movies, 14 fantasy movies, and 9 historical movies, where each historical movie takes place in a separate time period. The movies will be ordered on a shelf from left to right so that the movies of each type comedy, fantasy and historical are in a single group of consecutive movies. In addition, the historical movies will be ordered from earliest time period to latest time period. How many possible orderings of the movies are there?
What is the least integer that can be expressed as a product of four different integers, each of which has a value between -5 and 4, inclusive?
How many of the eleven integers greater than $$10^{7}$$ and less than $$10^{7}$$+12 are divisible by 11?
Those who knew the senator well were convinced that in spite of his (i)_______ in larger political matters, there was no (ii)_______ in his expressions of feeling for his constituents.

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380(у+4) + 380(у+2)

Which of the following inequalities is consistent with the statement that the time it took train K to travel r miles at a constant rate of s miles per hour is less than the time it took train M to travel y miles at a constant rate of z miles per hour?

The top surface of a certain 1-inch-thick oak board is 8 inches wide and has an area of 960 square inches. What is the price of this board? (1 foot=12 inches)

For the 6-inch-wide boards listed, which of the following is closest to the ratio of the price per linear foot of the least expensive type of board to the price per linear foot of the most expensive type of board?

The price of one maple board that is 8 inches wide and n feet long is $1.50 less than the price of 2 maple boards that are each 4 inches wide and n feet long. What is the value of n?
The standard deviation of $$n$$ numbers $$x_{1}$$, $$x_{2}$$, $$x_{3}$$,......, $$x_{n}$$, with mean $$\overline{x}$$ is equal to $$\sqrt{\frac{s}{n}}$$, where $$S$$ is the sum of the squared differences $$(x_{i} - \overline{x})^{2}$$ for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

For what value of $$x$$ is the standard deviation of the numbers $$6$$, $$14$$, $$16$$, and $$x$$ least?
If k, n, and $$\frac{k}{n}$$ are integers greater than 1, which of the following could be the value of kn?
The function f is defined by f(x)=|x-a|-|b-x| for all numbers x, where a and b are positive costants. What is the value of f(-4)?
The inside of a rectangular aquarium has an inner base that measures 8 inches by 10 inches, and has an inner height of 10 inches. The rectangular base of the aquarium is level,and the aquarium is filled with water so that the water level is 6 inches higher than the baes. After a solid piece of steel is completely submerged in the water, the water level is 7 inches higher than the base.

Quantity A

The volume of the piece of steel

Quantity B

100 cubic inches

When the positive integer $$n$$ is divided by $$7$$, the remainder is $$2$$.

Quantity A

The remainder when $$2n+1$$ is divided by $$7$$

Quantity B


A package contains between 75 and 100 marbles. When the marbles are divided into as many groups of 6 marbles as possible, the same number of marbles are left over as when the marble are divided into as many groups of 7 marbles as possible.

Quantity A

The number of marbles in the package

Quantity B


The primary purpose of the passage is to


25000 +道题目

