

Concerned about the growing tendency of universities to sometimes reward celebrity more generously than specialized expertise, many academics have deplored the search for ____________ to which that practice leads.
That the announcement of the new treatment was greeted with ___________ is hardly surprising given the claims made for it, but attitudes were markedly tempered once the paucity of supporting data became apparent.
If $$1 \leq x \leq 4$$ and $$-3 \leq y \leq 2$$, what is the least possible value of $$x^{-2} +y^{-2}$$?
If a rectangular room has length 20 meters, width 10 meters, and height 4 meters, then the volume of the room is how many cubic centimeters?
Although traditionally artists have rightly been seen as the most ____________ audience for the work of their colleagues, today taste is also created by critics and curators and occasionally by collectors.
The govenor, clearly trying to live down a reputation for (i)____________, has recently demonstrated an unexpected ability to be (ii)____________ when dealing with state legislators.
Animals whose behavioral traits are (i)____________ thereby have a level of (ii)____________ when environmental conditions vary. However, studies of animal personality also suggest that the behavior of individual animals can be constrained to certain behavioral types, leading to consistent differences between individuals.

On the number line, point M (not shown) is between points K and N, and the coordinate of M is x. If the distance from K to M is the average (arithmetic mean) of the distance from K to N and the distance from M to N, what is the value of x?
In a group of people, 30 people speak French, 40 speak Spanish, and $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of the people who speak Spanish do not speak French. If each person in the group speaks French, Spanish, or both, which of the following statements are true?

Indicate all such statements.
-1 < x < 0 < y < z < 1

Quantity A

The median of x, y and z

Quantity B

The median of $$x^{2}$$, $$y^{2}$$, and $$z^{2}$$

Newcomb did more than merely extol the use of objective analysis to address social problems. Through a steady stream of books, articles, and speeches, he sought to provide a (i)____________ examination of and prescription for political and economic ills, thus practically demonstrating-rather than simply (ii)____________—the (iii)____________ of such impartial study.
Committee A is composed of 14 people and committee B is composed of 10 people. At least 6 people are members of both committees.

Quantity A

The greatest possible number of members present if the two committees meet in a joint session

Quantity B


A certain experiment has exactly two mutually exclusive outcomes with probabilities $$p$$ and $$2p$$.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Although workers are eager to believe rumors that the manufacturer plans to invest in modernizing the local plant, the troubled auto company has made no public commitment that would ____________ the plant's future.
$$T_1, T_2, T_3, ........., T_k, .........$$

The sequence shown is defined by $$T_1=2$$ and $$T_{k+1}=\frac{1}{3}T_k$$ for each positive integer k.

Quantity A


Quantity B

$$(3^{11}) T_{16}$$

Bob`s current salary is 10 percent greater than Sam`s current salary. Bob and Sam will each receive an increase to their respective salaries at the end of the year, and after the increases in their salaries will be equal. If Bob`s increase will equal 5 percent of his current salary, then Sam`s increase will be what percent of Sam`s current salary?
Approximately what was the ratio of the area of the non federal rural land in Maryland to the total area of the nonfederal rural land in the contiguous United States in 1997?
Of the six states listed in the table, how many contained more than 2 percent of the nonfederal development land in the contiguous United States in 1997?
Which of the following is closest to the percent of federal land in the contiguous United States that was part of California in 1997?
The electric power P in a resistor is directly proportional to the square of the electric current I flowing through the resistor. For a given resistor, if the power is 18 watts when the current is 3 amperes, what is the power, in watts, when the current is 4 amperes?


25000 +道题目

