

The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
Wolosky claims that Ella Wheeler Wilcox joined other women poets such as Julia Ward Howe, Frances Harper, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman in critiquing materialism and possessive individualism. Wolosky's description (i)_____ the poetry of Gilman, Howe, and Harper, but it is not entirely (ii)_____ in the case of Wilcox, who hardly (iii)_____ the materialism of her time. Rather, Wilcox seems to have embraced the amassing of private property.
To pay for the extra spending under this international poverty plan, each American would have to contribute less than the cost of buying a premium cup of coffee once a week. But financial aid is not (i)_____, and even if the funding recommended here were to (ii)_____, the grandest objectives may well remain unfulfilled. Nonetheless, carefully targeted aid can reward responsible governments, (iii)_____ individual initiative, and alleviate suffering. Many will think that`s worth of a cup of coffee.
British critics covering African American musicians performing in London in the 1910s had little idea how to distinguish what was authentic African American music from what was _____, but they knew such a distinction existed.
Since the deficit predicament is fundamentally a long-term problem, the legislature`s _____ short-term approaches has actually compounded the difficulty in each succeeding year, eroding the state credit rating in the process.
In an ironic twist, the recent _____ of the reductive observational methods that have enabled science to progress for four centuries may turn out to be science's biggest step forward.
Each new generation of students grow up (i)_____ the world of classical physics, with its mostly intuitive, billiard-ball causality; that is the everyday vantage from which we approach the alien world of quantum physics, which has for this reason never lost its air of (ii)_____.
The piecrust was not punctured, so steam built up and the crust _____, bursting like a balloon, creating an over-cleaning project where hopes of dinner were expected.
As a way of _____ the negative impacts of overdependence on a single export product—crude oil, the Nigerian government passed legislation in 1999 intended to revitalize the moribund solid minerals sector.
Observers of modern presidential campaigns who (i)_____ the highly (ii)_____ productions that pass for campaigns these days do sometimes find reason for hope in the occasional mix-ups that (iii)_____ candidates on the trail despite the presence of political strategist`s plotting every event with the tactical precision of military commanders.
Part of what currently makes it so (i)_____ to arrive at a scientific understanding of the living world is that while technological advances have produced a cascade of data—from detailed genome sequence to the sophisticated satellite imagery that documents the planet's ecosystems—our ability to (ii)_____ these data still lags far behind their (iii)_____.
Far from (i)_____ the actions taken by the newspaper's executives, William praised the executive's resistance to corruption—yet he doubted that their policies were practical enough to warrant (ii)_____ by other papers.
Making the shift to the 90-nanometer manufacturing process has been (i)_____ for semiconductor companies. This process effectively doubles the manufacturing capacity of the industry, but it (ii)_____ enormous technical challenges because some components of the new semiconductor chips are no more than five to seven molecule thick.
The apparent simplicity of savanna or a prairie landscape is illusory, but the illusion takes real effort to _____ because much of what actually occurs in these places takes place underground.
The pupil had a reputation for obduracy, but the teacher found her to be, on the contrary, quite _____.
Although in the mid-1970s nuclear power seemed poised for a still greater role in energy supply, in fact the _____ of its prestige had already begun.
Despite the general _____ of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
The often-cited parallels between human communities and insect colonies are _____: the cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the insects genetic ties, while humans often collaborate with non-relatives.
There is (i)______ evidence that the giant African land snail a. fulica is a serious threat to the spread of human disease. Giant snails do carry rat lungworm—infection by which is a common cause of meningitis—but so do many other snail species. Moreover, if the threat posed by a. fulica were (ii)______, one would expect to see an increase in disease rates (iii)______ a rise in the spread of snails. However, in places like New Caledonia, explosions in giant snail populations have coincided with a fall in the number of meningitis cases.
Though acquaintances are first overwhelmed by his ______, they soon appreciate that, contrary to appearances, he is not without self-interest.


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