According to the passage, which of the following is an assumption that may be invalidated by recent seismological evidence?
In the passage, the function of the highlighted portion( in yeast and worms, metabolism is both sped up and altered) is to
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
Although one can adduce myriad of examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenous species, nevertheless most introduced species that survive in fact appear to have quite _____ effects on the ecosystem they have invaded.
The students' _____ natures were in sharp contrast to the imperturbable dispositions of their teacher.
Architecture scholar Sandy McCreery recently argued that traffic congestion, far from being a sign of urban (i)_____, is a mark of urban (ii)_____; congestion promotes contemplation of our surroundings and provides us with a shared experience, thereby fulfilling the essential task of the city.
Apparently, advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved _____ on each continent.
In a field of egotists, Bloomfield is _____, often praising her competitors and punctuating her correspondence with self-deprecating remarks.
The researcher noted that microbes, although _____, make up far more of the living protoplasm on Earth than all humans, animals and plants combined.
Although political events in different countries were not (i)_____ in the nineteen century, their interrelationship was (ii)_____ compared with the present, when interdependence has become far greater: (iii)_____ has ceased to be an option.
The paleontologist examined the problem afresh, believing that the accepted classification _____ the essential continuity of the specimens by making specious distinctions among them.
It would be naive to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer`s true state of mind, since the (i)_____ for exaggeration and deception in those forms is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)_____.
Despite the occasional (i)_____ of their venues, the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply (ii)_____ conference, each day consisted of nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels enlivened by pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. The only (iii)_____ sensory deprivation of the sessions came from the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.