

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?
The author of the passage suggests that Mary McCarthy`s writing is characterized by
The passage mentions which of the following as an effect of bird plumage?
From the passage it can be inferred that Omagua depended on
The Labrador duck is one of the most _____ extinct birds: although there are a fair number of specimens, few have yielded reliable data and little is known about the species` breeding patterns.
The company suffers from an almost total lack of _____: even the most innocuous communications between departments lend to devolve into acrimony.
Despite the scathing precision with which she satirizes the lives of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to (i)_____ being part of the world she presents as so (ii)_____.
Well organized and researched and including all significant discoveries and medical scientists, this history of Western medicine has justly been called ______________.
If the study proves that bears are still endemic to the area, the proposal to introduce additional bears of the same species will probably face less opposition, since the plan would then involve _____ a historic population, not trying to build population from scratch.
Contrary to those who fear the impact of invasive species on native plants, the biologists contend that the threat posed to biodiversity by nonnative species is often (i)_____. For instance, a study of garlic mustard, a nonnative plant now thriving in Minnesota`s oak forests, found that garlic mustard abundance in forest plots was not (ii)_____ the number of other plant species there.
The new art museum`s (i)_____ building augurs well for that ambitious institution because it speaks of (ii)_____ contemporary architecture on the part of the board of directors that may (iii)_____ equal astuteness about contemporary art.
While some commentators suggest that abstraction and complexity in scientific research are signs that a given direction is misguided, Lisa Randall, a professor of physics at Harvard, counters that these qualities instead reflect the success of human ingenuity in (i)_____ the increasingly (ii)_____ challenges that nature presents. They can, however, make it more (iii)_____ to communicate scientific developments, even to colleague.


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