

For which of the age-groups is the ratio of the number of full professors to the number of associate professors the greatest?
If 10 percent of all the faculty members under 40 at University X are in the fine arts department, approximately what percent of the faculty members in the fine arts department are under 40?
How many faculty members at University X are either associate professors or at least 60 years old or both?
Larry and Tony work for different companies. Larry's salary is the $$90^{th}$$ percentile of the salaries in his company, and Tony's salary is the $$70^{th}$$ percentile of the salaries in his company.

Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to conclude that Larry's salary is higher than Tony's salary?

Indicate all such statements.
List S consists of 10 positive numbers. The range of the numbers in S is 124. Each of the numbers in S will be increased by $$x$$ percent, where $$x \gt 0$$. List T consists of the 10 resulting numbers.

Quantity A

The range of the numbers in T

Quantity B


The table above summarizes customer satisfaction ratings for two banks, where each rating is an integer from 1 to 10. Which of the following statements must be true?

Indicate all such statements.
During a 7-day period, a plant's height increased half as much each day as it did the day before. What is the ratio of the plant's increase in height on day 4 to its increase in height on day 7?
A team of two students from an art school is to be selected to represent the school at a national event. The two students will be selected from the students in three classes that have no students in common. The three classes have 10 students, 8 students, and 7 students. If the two students must be selected from different classes, how many teams are possible?
Three numbers are to be selected at random and without replacement from the five numbers 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11. What is the probability that the three numbers selected could be the lengths of the sides of a triangle?
There is little question that in primates there is (i) ___________ between monogamous mating partnerships and extensive male care of infants. Nevertheless, that does not mean male care is(ii) ___________ situations in which females mate with more than one male; studies of savanna baboons show that male care certainly can occur in nonmonogamous systems.
Far from ___________ innovation, as the patent system was designed to do, the patenting of concepts such as gene sequences gives individuals and corporations a legal choke to hold over ideas that should be useful to all.
The senator complained that the president`s argument against the provision was __________, gaining its apparent plausibility from a distorted presentation of the relevant data.
Most tree-dwelling lizards drop to the ground when threatened. But Sphenomorpus sabanus uses (i)____________, avoiding predation by hanging upside down and clinging to a branch with its hind claws so as to resemble a twig. Researchers suggest that the advantages of S. sabanus`s strategy is its (ii)____________. When predatory birds expect their prey to fall to the ground, the argument runs, (iii)____________ a lizard still hanging from a branch.
The photocopier, widely adopted in the 1960s, became not merely a vehicle for copying but one for publishing in ____________ manner, so that ideas could be circulated without interference from potential censors.
The concept of increasing complexity of organisms has _____________ history among evolutionary biologist, and yet many laypeople would unhesitatingly say that the pattern applies to the history of life on Earth.
While Pompeian houses vary in their size, ground plan, and decorative schemes, they do tend to _____________ certain consistent design motivations: their owners all seem to have aimed toward creating a certain kind of domestic space.
The obsidian found across the Pungaere-Upokorau area in New Zealand has previously been thought to come from two distinct sites (Pungaere and Waiare), but considering that the visual characteristics and chemical composition of the obsidian in the area are so (i) _____________, there is no reason to continue regarding Waiare as (ii) _____________ source, especially in view of the fact that finds of obsidian near Waiare settlement and in the Waiare Stream are (iii) _____________.
The bird-watchers' ________________ distinguishing personal interpretations from factual observations was a liability in their stated goal of obtaining objective information about the everyday behavior of ravens.
Since beavers rely on auditory signals such as the tail slap and whining and hissing, we can infer that their hearing is _____________, although we don`t know the exact sensitivity and performance of their acoustical sense.
For many in the room, the idea of coming to the assistance of a rival was more than unpleasant: it was _____________.


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