The laboratory maze has grown ever less _____ since it was first invented: instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth, today's scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measured behaviors.
The passage is primarily concerned with
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Which of the following does the passage cite as an explanation for historians` traditional analysis of the Japanese textile industry?
The passage is concerned primarily with
The author mentions Medea primarily in order to
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The researchers theorized that people in power focus so keenly on their own prerogatives that they become oblivious to those around them and that their subordinates, not wanting to provoke the boss, ______this process.
In the highlighted portion of the passage, the author assumes that
The primary basis for the author`s use of the expression "by all right" is Mercury`s
Origin, distribution, and habitat are included in the book for some but not all of the plants; offering this information for each species would have given readers a clearer appreciation of the differences between _____ and introduced species.
There is a revelation on almost every page of this book, and the author's prose is _____ in the best possible way: blunt, sweet, off-kilter, and often quite funny.
According to the passage, writers of the Irish Renaissance revived Irish heroic legends in order to
For parents, the pleasure of letting children choose which book to read aloud together is not always ____________: I well remembered my inner groans when my child would constantly pick my least favorite book from the shelf.
British critics covering African American musicians performing in London in the 1910s had little idea how to distinguish what was authentic African American music from what was _____, but they knew such a distinction existed.
Some academic criticism of popular novels has been (i)_____ in character, being based on the assumption that the wider the appeal, the more (ii)_____ the novel.
The order applies to all Federal agency whose actions may affect the status of invasive species and requires agencies to identify such actions and to the extent practicable and permitted by law, and since invasive species severely reduce the number of native species and even (i)_____ their existence, the agency has determined and made public its determination that the benefits of such actions clearly outweigh the potential harm caused by invasive species; and that all feasible and (ii)_____ measures to (iii)_____ risk of harm of the introduction of invasive species will be taken in conjunction with the actions.
A hallmark of certain nineteenth-century mystery novels was the reform agenda of their authors, who ostensibly sought to expose economic injustice while depicting the seamy underside of urban life. In reality, however, these claims to a radical political agenda were often (i)_____ meant to give lurid thrillers the appearance of (ii)_____.