

What is the length of an edge of the smallest solid cube that can be made by placing together solid rectangular blocks of size 7 by 6 by 3?
A right triangle has sides of length 2, 5, and $$x$$. A second right triangle has sides of length 4, 7, and $$y$$. A third right triangle has sides of length $$x$$, $$y$$, and $$n$$. Which of the following could be the value of $$n$$?
The average (arithmetic mean) of the values of the homes in Town A is $100,000. The average of the values of the homes in Town B is $150,000. The number of homes in Town A is between 2 times and 3 times the number of homes in Town B. Which of the following values could be the average of the values of the homes in Town A and Town B combined?

Indicate all such values.
The electric power P in a resistor is directly proportional to the square of the electric current I flowing through the resistor. For a given resistor, if the power is 18 watts when the current is 3 amperes, what is the power, in watts, when the current is 4 amperes?
From 1989 to 1992, there was a 10 percent increase in the percent of families that owned directly held stocks. Which of the following is closest to the percent of families who owned directly held stocks in 1989?
If 38.7 percent of the families who owned a home owed money on a home mortgage loan or home equity loan, or both, approximately what percent of United States families owned homes free of both home mortgage and home equity loans?
In 1992, if 7.9 percent of the families in the survey owned both savings bonds and mutual funds, what percent owned neither savings bonds nor mutual funds?
The top surface of a certain 1-inch-thick oak board is 8 inches wide and has an area of 960 square inches. What is the price of this board? (1 foot=12 inches)
An urn contains 4 red balls, 8 green balls and 2 yellow balls. Five balls are randomly selected WITH replacement from the urn. What is the probability that 1 red ball, 2 green balls, and 2 yellow balls will be selected?

Give your answer as a fraction.

In an equilateral triangle ABC,three points P,Q and R are on the side AB,AC and BC, respectively.

Quantity A

The sum of any two interior angles in Δ ABC

Quantity B

The sum of any two interior angles in Δ PQR

In triangle ABC, the length of side AB is 13, the length of side AC is 15, and the length of side BC is 14. What is the length of the height that corresponds to the base BC?
In 1970 approximately what percent of United States residents were older than 5 but younger than 65 years old?
Of the 10 selected years, which had the greatest total number of United States residents in the combined age groups of "5 years and younger" and "65 years and older"?
Of the following which best describes how the number of United States residents that were in the age-group"5 years and younger"changed from 1900 to 1940?
For all integers $$x$$ and $$y$$, the operation $$▽$$ is defined as $$x▽y=x$$ if $$xy$$ is even, and $$x▽y=-y$$ if $$xy$$ is odd. What is the value of $$(-57▽68)▽(-81)$$?
In 1990 in neighborhood V, $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of the foreign-born population whose region of origin was Asia came from China. Approximately what fraction of the entire foreign-born population in neighborhood V came from China?
A list of the names of the people of the entire 1990 foreign-born population in neighborhood V was generated, with each person's name appearing once.The names of 2 different people will be randomly selected from the list. Which of the following is closest to the probability that both names selected will be names of people whose region of origin was "Other"?
In 1990 approximately what percent of the total population of neighborhood V was foreign-born with Europe as region of origin?
Evidence of the human brain's ____________ abounds: violinists, for example, tend to have larger cortical areas devoted to processing signals from their fingering hands than do non-violinists.
Although traditionally artists have rightly been seen as the most ____________ audience for the work of their colleagues, today taste is also created by critics and curators and occasionally by collectors.


25000 +道题目

