

In the xy-plane, the center of a circle is (4, 0) and the area of the circle is 36π. The point (s, 0) is on the circle, where s > 0.

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A traveler purchased a gift item at a store in Country D, paying only the cost of the item with no taxes or other charges. The traveler paid with 100 United States dollars and received back the correct change in the amount of 203 units of Country D's currency, based on the currency exchange rate that day.

Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the cost of the item, in United States dollars?

Indicate all such statements.
The force of the evidence cited in the passage is most seriously weakened if which of the following is true?
One of the incongruities of modern industry, according to Reck and Graedel, is that we manufacture modern products with the most sophisticated technologies available yet generally adopt relatively ____________ approaches to recycling them.
$$x$$ > 0


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A certain data set consists of n values, and the mean of the values is positive. If an additional value equal to 70 percent of the mean is included in the data set to create a new data set, then the mean of the values in the new data set will be 2 percent less than the mean of the values in the original data set. What is the value of n?
The author would likely agree with which of the following statements about the “black holes [the LHC] could conceivably form"?

The tick marks on the number line shown are equally spaced.

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If both the sum and the product of the four positive integers a, b, c and d are even, while the product of a, b, c and d is multiple of 8, but not multiple of 16, then what is the number of these integers that could be even?
Dialogue exchanges indicating deep-seated rivalries among the characters abound in the novel, but they are almost always associated with_______events—everyday commercial transactions, for instance, or the preparation of an evening meal.
Contrary to what might be expected, having numerous relationships is not necessarily a________loneliness since loneliness is determined by the way people experience relationships subjectively.
Scientists have (i) ________ evidence to suggest a cause for the failure of the horse to become the predominant herbivore in central Alberta following glacial recession. A loss of optimal food resources has been cited as a possible cause of the decline of horse populations elsewhere, but the Albertan vegetation data for the period are (ii)________.
The reclusive clergyman may have lived and died in melancholy, but this doesn't seem to have (i)_______his genius in any way. On the contrary, we find ourselves wondering whether his genius wasn't(ii)_______in some mysterious way by his mood.
The explanation of tornado formation according to which tornadoes form during a twisting clash of air masses is clearly(i)________: such clashes occur very frequently both in the United States and in countries where tornadoes are(ii) ________.
Although Sapir and Whorf's notion that different languages may impart different cognitive skills met with (i)_______early on, they had little evidence to support their claim. By the 1970s many scientists had become (ii) _______their hypothesis, and it was largely(iii) _______as a new set of theories claiming that language and thought are universal came to dominate the field.
The passage suggests that the "discoveries" indicate which of the following about mud glyphs?
The passage suggests which of the following about petroglyphs?
On the surface, migrations might be defined simply as organisms moving from place to place on a seasonal or annual basis, but a more detailed consideration of what does-and what does not-constitute a migration quickly reveals that this is not an easy distinction. In fact, certain nonanimal organisms (eg. plants or fungi) make movements such as seasonal dispersal of seeds via water or air that could be considered as "migration" under some definitions. Even among animals, great variation in the timing, distance, and motivation underlying movements makes general definitions of migration challenging. Early efforts to formally define migration were arguably quite effective for their simplicity, and they may be very relevant for conservation policy. For example. "true migrations" according to Landsborough Thomson, an ornithologist, were defined as "chances of habitat, periodically recurring and alternating in direction, which tend to secure optimal environmental conditions at all times." Such optimal conditions might include milder air, water, or soil temperatures, availability of food or water, lack of predators or diseases. suitable habitats for breeding (e.g., nesting substrates for birds or calmer waters for whale calves), or some combination of the above. Importantly, this definition of migration does not specify or discriminate based on distance traveled or the types of organisms that qualify. Instead, the emphasis in Thomson`s definition is placed on 1) a change in habitat, 2) a seasonal phenology [relationship of biological phenomena with climate] and 3) a "to-and-fro passage." Certainly, many important and familiar migrations such as those made by songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and seabirds that winter farther south and return each spring to breed at higher latitudes would be included in such a definition.

However appealing, though, this definition could exclude many stunning and extensive animal movements that serve equally important ecological functions. In particular, less spatially or temporally predictable migrations such as the seminomadic circular roamings that were once exhibited by American bison, or those that require multiple generations for the return trip as is the case for many species of moths or butterflies, including the classic monarch butterfly journey, could arguably fail to meet these criteria of migration. Conversely, in the open ocean, billions of organisms ranging from plankton to squid to sharks make daily to-and-fro movements through the water column to the surface and back down again in order to exploit optimal conditions. These could qualify as migrations under Thomson`s definition, yet such movements are clearly of a different variety than those that occur only once per year and span continents, especially in the context of conservation policy and management.
The author implies which of the following about conservation policy?
The author mentions fungi primarily to


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