

If |x-1| < 5 and |y| < 3, which of the following inequalities must be true for all possible values of the product xy?

Quantity A


Quantity B


The average (arithmetic mean) of the four numbers 22, 26, p and q is 12, and p > 0.

Quantity A


Quantity B


S is a set of n consecutive positive even integers, where n > 1.

Quantity A

The range of the integers in S

Quantity B


360 candies can be equally distributed to some bags, while 240 caremels can also be equally distributed to these bags. Which of the following could be the number of bags?

Indicate all such possible numbers.
n is a multiple of 15.

Quantity A

The remainder when n is divided by 6

Quantity B


x ≤ 5

y ≤ 40

Quantity A


Quantity B


The reciprocal of x-2 is x+3. What is the product of all the possible values of x?
$$x < x^{3} < x^{2}$$

Quantity A


Quantity B


A line passes through point (k, 3) and (m, -2) and is perpendicular to line 6x-2y+3=0.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Line M passes through point (4, -4) and is perpendicular to another line with a slope of 2. What is the x-intercept of the line M?
In triangle ABC, the length of side AB is 13, the length of side AC is 15, and the length of side BC is 14. What is the length of the height that corresponds to the base BC?

In polygon PRSTW, side RS is parallel to side PW.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Three concentric circles (the largest circle, the middle circle, and the smallest circle) form three areas (the most outer area S, the middle area R, and the most inner area Q). If S=5R, and the radius of the middle and the smallest circle is 30 and 10, respectively, then what is the radius of the largest circle?

The cube shown above has edges of length x, where x is an integer. The length of diagonal AG (not shown) is 10.39, to the nearest 0.01. What is the value of the integer x?

Which of the following CANNOT be the median of six different positive integers?

Indicate all such numbers.
A person randomly selects three different integers from 1 to 10, inclusive. What is the probability that the selected numbers include at least one odd number and one even number?

Give your answer as a fraction.
The hypotenuse of a right triangle lies on the line y=7x+1, but the legs of the right triangle are parallel to neither x-plane nor y-plane. What is the product of the slopes of all the three sides of the right triangle?
In 1970 approximately what percent of United States residents were older than 5 but younger than 65 years old?
Of the 10 selected years, which had the greatest total number of United States residents in the combined age groups of "5 years and younger" and "65 years and older"?


25000 +道题目

