

What is the range of all the weekly rental rates in the table?
A group of 10 couples plans to rent bayside summer houses on Island X from Realtor M for a certain week. The total rental cost for the houses will be evenly distributed among the 10 couples, and each couple will have their own bedroom. If Realtor M has at least three bayside summer houses of each type available that week, what is the least possible rental cost per couple?
If Realtor M`s inland summer houses on Island X generate a total weekly rental income of $8,800 when they are all rented, what is the greatest possible number of inland 4-bedroom summer houses that Realtor M can have?
Of customers 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10, which one was served by the customer service representative who served customer 1?
According to the recorded times, which customer had the greatest ratio of waiting time to service time?
What was the range of the recorded service times, in minutes, for the 15 customers?

Data set D consists of 35 values, all of which are integers. The frequency distribution of the values in D is shown in the histogram, where each interval shown contains values that are greater than or equal to the left endpoint but less than the right endpoint.

Quantity A

The average (arithmetic mean) of the values in D

Quantity B

The median of the values in D

As a publisher and a businessman, Guillaume Rouille was ___________: he included a full set of portraits of the Ottoman Sultans in his encyclopedia to cater to the public thirst for information concerning the expanding empire of the Turks.
Saturn's rings seem ___________, but it now appears that several decades ago, the shape of the innermost rings was altered by a mysterious event that all our telescopes and spacecraft failed to detect.
The common principle behind the hourglass and the water clock is ___________: controlled movement of a fluid or fluid-like substance from one vessel to another can measure a predetermined amount of time.
In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite ______________.
Not all Native American languages have lexical classes corresponding to those of other languages: many have no adjectival category, and some have even brought the ________ of nouns and verbs into question.
Defying expectation, the electorate seems poised to (i) _____________ a number of political tenets so (ii) _____________ that they are often paraded as fact.
In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite _____________.
Duke Ellington managed his career with extreme deliberateness: nothing was _________, and even apparent compromises or trade-offs were actually artful accommodations leading to eventual triumphs.
Although the Endangered Species Act is intended to conserve ecosystems, it is only the ecosystems of listed endangered and threatened species that the statute (i)_____________. Moreover, even in this sense, the conservation of ecosystems is (ii)_____________ the conservation of listed species: the word "ecosystem" appears only once in the statute, in the purpose statement, and from there the statute is (iii) _____________ species.
Coral reefs are often referred to as the rain forests of the sea, _____________ comparison given that only tropical rain forests can compete with the sheer concentration of biodiversity found in coral reefs.
As theories, quantum field theory and theory of general relatively have been astonishingly (i) _____________, in that no experiment yet has shown a crack in either of them, even though both of them (ii) _____________ wildly counterintuitive properties in physical reality. And yet even proponents note that the two theories are (iii) _____________, a fact that has disallowed theorists—at least so far—from incorporating both into a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity.
This novel is not great literature; there are too many characters, too many subplots, and no clearly defined protagonist, making for _____________story.
The statements given are structured to lead to which of the following conclusions


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