

Prose (i)________ the notion that, as a patron of the arts, Peggy Guggenheim was (ii)________; Guggenheim, Prose argues, simply had limited funds to bestow on the many artists and writers who depended on her.
Researchers concluded that although the success of pearl millet crops in the region varied with seasonal climatic conditions, cultivation remains ____________ because of pearl millet's predisposition to perform under stressful growing conditions, including drought.
The idea that arguments based on probability are deployed only by (i) _____________ persons is (ii) _____________ even among scientists. Perhaps such an evaluation has partly to do with the origins of the subject in the mathematics of gambling games, not generally regarded as pastimes for people of good character.
The psychologists' new findings present the discipline with a (i) _____________: although her results pose a problem for the standard theory, the alternative theories she proposes are (ii)______________.
The genius of the scientific method is that it (i) _____________ the dictum of Aristotle that the goal of science is knowledge of the ultimate cause of things. True science, we now know, advances human knowledge by (ii) _____________ ultimate cause and focusing instead on the testing of empirical hypotheses.
To write convincing fiction about the tedium of ordinary life may be one of the hardest challenges facing a novelist, who must find a way to engage the reader despite a focus on _____________ events.
Although the Endangered Species Act is intended to conserve ecosystems, it is only the ecosystems of listed endangered and threatened species that the statute (i)_____________. Moreover, even in this sense, the conservation of ecosystems is (ii)_____________ the conservation of listed species: the word "ecosystem" appears only once in the statute, in the purpose statement, and from there the statute is (iii) _____________ species.
As theories, quantum field theory and theory of general relatively have been astonishingly (i) _____________, in that no experiment yet has shown a crack in either of them, even though both of them (ii) _____________ wildly counterintuitive properties in physical reality. And yet even proponents note that the two theories are (iii) _____________, a fact that has disallowed theorists—at least so far—from incorporating both into a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity.
Coral reefs are often referred to as the rain forests of the sea, _____________ comparison given that only tropical rain forests can compete with the sheer concentration of biodiversity found in coral reefs.
This novel is not great literature; there are too many characters, too many subplots, and no clearly defined protagonist, making for _____________story.
El Greco was one of the most fervent of painters, to the extreme of mania, while Velazquez, by contrast, was one of the most ______________.
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
The statements given are structured to lead to which of the following conclusions
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The author mentions "energy-rich honey dew primarily to
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
The passage suggests that Heber would be most likely to agree with which statement about low-mass hypervelocity stars?
The highlighted quotation from L. Schoep serves in part to
The author suggests that the "debate" mentioned in the passage is misguided because the participants in the debate
The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about the use of the term "Palace" in Minoan archaeology?


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