The common principle behind the hourglass and the water clock is ___________: controlled movement of a fluid or fluid-like substance from one vessel to another can measure a predetermined amount of time.
Most tree-dwelling lizards drop to the ground when threatened. But Sphenomorpus sabanus uses (i)____________, avoiding predation by hanging upside down and clinging to a branch with its hind claws so as to resemble a twig. Researchers suggest that the advantages of S. sabanus`s strategy is its (ii)____________. When predatory birds expect their prey to fall to the ground, the argument runs, (iii)____________ a lizard still hanging from a branch.
By using (i) _____________ prose throughout, the contributors to this anthology have been able to make their subject seem (ii) _____________ in the extreme—of concern only to one another.
The bird-watchers' ________________ distinguishing personal interpretations from factual observations was a liability in their stated goal of obtaining objective information about the everyday behavior of ravens.
The safety features of modern cars have actually had ____________ effect on people's driving: drivers are lulled into a false sense of security by their cars' sophistication and therefore drive less attentively.
In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite ______________.
Since beavers rely on auditory signals such as the tail slap and whining and hissing, we can infer that their hearing is _____________, although we don`t know the exact sensitivity and performance of their acoustical sense.
After the first monarch butterfly overwintering site was discovered in Mexico in 1975, the biologist Lincoln Brower (i) _____________ the (ii) _____________ of additional sites. The principal reason for Brower`s contention was that roosting in a very limited area would make the species highly vulnerable to wildfire.
The newspapers described the writer as a (i) _____________, but she was really quite (ii) _____________once you met her in person.
Not all Native American languages have lexical classes corresponding to those of other languages: many have no adjectival category, and some have even brought the ________ of nouns and verbs into question.
Climate change is posited to be a frequent factor in mass extinctions by some scientists who speculate that minor climate shifts can trigger a catastrophic cascade of effects. Although this pattern is (i) _____________ in that it confirm warnings about our own possibly dire future, it is also somehow (ii) _____________, as it sets forth a context for today's turbulent weather as (iii) _____________ in a natural, cyclical process.
Science is a seemingly inexhaustible source of _____________, yet paradoxically scientists have been portrayed in recent decades as rather conservative—resisting innovation in their discipline sometimes to the point of dogmatism.
Defying expectation, the electorate seems poised to (i) _____________ a number of political tenets so (ii) _____________ that they are often paraded as fact.
Some critics claim that because medical journals receive (i) _____________ selection of findings from clinical trials—mainly those trials that show (ii) _____________ results for the drugs being tested—readers of those journals believe that some medications are more (iii) _____________ than they really are, even when those medications are little more than placebos.
Khirigsuurs, distinctive stone-mounded monuments, are so ________ in central and western Mongolia that it has been argued that they were the defining features of the human landscapes of prehistoric Inner Asia.
The fantastic conceit of the film's plot is that global warming (i) __________ global freezing. After a chunk of Antarctic ice the size of Rhode Island suddenly melts, most of what follows—an instant ice age, for example—is impossible as science but not as metaphor. The data from the Greenland ice sheet show that, over the past hundred thousand years, temperatures have often (ii) ___________—so often that it is our own relatively static experience of climate that should now be seen as (iii) ___________.
Ultimately, according to Zuger, all medical advice is _________ : it is educated guesswork, perhaps, but guesswork all the same.
In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite _____________.
Duke Ellington managed his career with extreme deliberateness: nothing was _________, and even apparent compromises or trade-offs were actually artful accommodations leading to eventual triumphs.
It is ironic that the scientist's work was criticized recently for its _________ research methodology, since other researchers have argued for years that this same methodology was based absolutely on impeccable logic.