

In the context in which it appears, "charged" most nearly means
The author mentions the "cohort" primarily to
It can be inferred from the passage that the “growing interest"
When published Native American autobiographies derive from a Native subject's oral narration transcribed and edited by a non-Native collaborator, some consider the term "autobiography"____________ since the final work may largely reflect the editor's choices.
Even though no other species in the Rana genus of frogs exhibits such ____________ habits, once crawfish frogs have finally been located, they are relatively easy to film.
Some critics claim that a good deal of contemporary academic language is ____________: only those who have mastered a certain jargon-the initiated, so to speak-can join the club and decode the message.
Though the country's press is not free, it has some (i)____________: newspaper editors can publish editorials critical of the government without (ii)____________.
Astronomers have always suspected that planets might orbit stars other than our sun but (i)_____________ that they would find systems structured much like our own solar system. Yet a flood of recent discoveries has made it clear that extrasolar planetary systems can (ii)______________ our own solar system.
The govenor, clearly trying to live down a reputation for (i)____________, has recently demonstrated an unexpected ability to be (ii)____________ when dealing with state legislators.
Which of the following best characterizes the author's main point about the “comparisons"?
The author implies that the “musical vision"
Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the rest of the passage?
According to the passage, nineteenth-century historians of the French Revolution would agree with each of the following statements about members of the French middle class of 1789 EXCEPT:
According to the passage, nineteenth-century historians held which of the following views about the French Revolution of 1789?
Which of the following statements best paraphrases the paradox alluded to by the author?
Novelist Toni Morrison rejects the ____________ art and politics, insisting that art can be "unquestionably" political and irrevocably beautiful at the same time.
Early natural history collections in eighteenth-century Europe were ____________: a bear's tooth might sit incongruously alongside a piece of silverwork or, in the menagerie, a South American capybara might be housed next to an African baboon.
The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that it
The primary purpose of the passage is to
It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would most likely take place in the Mediterranean shrublands if the intensity of grazing decreased significantly?


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