

The passage attributes the difference between labors' view of the eight-hour law and its view of the minimum-wage law in part to differences between
Jimi Hendrix was a pivotal figure in the visionary aesthetic movement known as Afrofuturism, which is steeped in African American musical tradition yet ____________ technological innovation, from synthesizers to spaceships.
Evidence of the human brain's ____________ abounds: violinists, for example, tend to have larger cortical areas devoted to processing signals from their fingering hands than do non-violinists.
Motorcycle riders in London have discovered an ingenious, albeit ____________, way of parking illegally without getting a ticket.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the explanation given for aphid population explosions?
The primary purpose of the passage is to
It can be inferred from the passage that the concentration of calcium in the grass of the Serengeti Plain
It can be inferred from the passage that when lactating, female wildebeests
Basquiat's notebook drawings were not intended as preparatory sketches for larger drawings or paintings; rather, as artwork they are ____________, often containing subjects, words, and ideas that are not found in his larger works.
Saturn's rings, among the most iconic features in the solar system, are not ____________: they're raining so much water onto the planet that in 300 million years they could rain themselves nearly out of existence.
Unlike some of her colleagues, the well-known investor (i)___________ large, established companies, instead preferring companies in(ii)_____________ stage of development.
The degree of encephalization (the ratio of brain mass to total body mass) is not (i)____________ cognitive ability: there are data suggesting that cognition is (ii)____________ the absolute number of cerebral neurons and their connections.
For some scientists, the (i)____________ artificial islands is (ii)____________ their potential for (iii)____________ oceanographic-research vessels and coastal marine labs. Ships are on the water, but they don't stay put. Coastal labs can gather long time series of data in one place but don't provide access to deeper water. An artificial island could allow low-cost, long-term access to the ocean for research, especially for students in tropical countries where natural systems are among the most sensitive to human activities.
Which of the following can be inferred about the "fire suppression" discussed in the passage?
The author mentions sequoias primarily to
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The passage supports which of the following statements about Mercury?
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
Author James Baldwin acknowledged the ____________ of his criticizing politically polemical fiction when he himself was deeply committed to the promotion of progressive political aims.
Archaeology, paleontology, and geology depend on the ____________ of data collection to construct scientific knowledge:if there are no fossils preserved, or if they remain undiscovered and uninterpreted,there is nothing to study.


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