

The salaries of five employees A, B, C, D and E are all positive integers. If the median salary of all five employees is 2000, and the salary of C, D, and E is 2000, 4000, 5000, respectively. Which of the following could be the average salary of all five employees?

Indicate all such numbers.

Quantity A


Quantity B


The electric power P in a resistor is directly proportional to the square of the electric current I flowing through the resistor. For a given resistor, if the power is 18 watts when the current is 3 amperes, what is the power, in watts, when the current is 4 amperes?
How many x-intercepts, and y-intercepts does the graph of the equation $$4x^{2}-9y^{2}=1$$ have?
n is a positive integer

Quantity A

The remainder when n(n+1)(n+2) is divided by 6

Quantity B


For how many of the months after March did both the median price of new homes sold and the number of new homes sold increase from the previous month?
Genetic diversity is the raw material of evolution including the domestication of plants, yet the domestication process typically ____________ diversity because the first domesticates are derived from a very small sample of the individual plants.
For a long time now, revenues from Broadway musicals have been (i)____________ with their quality: profits are higher than ever, but with few exceptions, the musicals are not (ii)____________.
In private talks with the provincial leaders that lasted past a midnight meal of pizza, the prime minister was (i)____________ -- a contrast with her predecessor's often (ii)____________ handling of them.
It must be acknowledged that data on ceramic artifacts do not provide the complete picture of regional economic interactions in the ancient Basin of Mexico. First, patterns of exchange between settlements cannot be understood purely through chemical compositional analysis, even when pottery provenance can be securely determined: compositional data do not indicate exactly how pots moved from one place to another or how many times a vessel was exchanged. In addition, ceramics are not the only kind of material that was exchanged between settlements. The transport of bulky and breakable ceramic pots was costly, and clay resources were widely available. Therefore, the orbits within which most ceramics circulated are likely to have been smaller than those of artifacts made from more durable materials, such as obsidian.
According to the passage, the data on ceramic artifacts
The author of the passage mentions the Renaissance practices of substituting stucco for marble and of concealing joints in blocks of masonry in order to support the contention that Renaissance architects were
In an attempt to reduce the number of violent crimes committed by juveniles, the city of Fiera imposed a curfew requiring juveniles everyone younger than eighteen-to be indoors between the hours of 11 P.M. and 6 A.M. In the two years since the curfew was imposed, the number of violent crimes committed by juveniles in Fiera has fallen by almost ten percent. Clearly, therefore, the curfew has proven effective at reducing violent juvenile crime.
x, y, z, and t are numbers between 0.09 and 0.3.

Quantity A


Quantity B


List S consists of three different numbers. The average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in list S is 6, and the median is 4.

Quantity A

The average of the least and greatest numbers in list S

Quantity B


P is a polygon with n sides. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of P is r degrees. The average (arithmetic mean) of the measures of the interior angles of P is x degrees.

Quantity A


Quantity B


n is a prime number and |n-50| < 4.

Quantity A


Quantity B


A circular region with positive diameter d has the same area as a square region with sides of length s.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Quantity A

The number of integer solutions of the equation $$3x^{2}+5x-2=0$$

Quantity B


In the distribution of heights in a group of a thousand people, height $$p$$ is at the 42nd percentile, height $$r$$ is at the 48th percentile, height $$s$$ is at the 54th percentile, and height $$t$$ is at the 60th percentile.

Quantity A


Quantity B



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