

Art historian Olu Oguibe contests Cavell's assumption of a human inclination to escape subjectivity, noting in the human species a _______________ to challenge the veracity of that which professes to be purely objective.
One of the reporter's central themes is that health care concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers in their drive to limit if not completely ____________ the consumption of cigarettes.
1 ≤ x ≤ 6

-2 ≤ y ≤ 1

Quantity A


Quantity B


Since it omits no discovery and no medical scientist of any importance, this book about the history of Western medicine has been justly described by reviewers as not only carefully researched and well organized but also ____________.
Neither Giles, whose every initiative floundered, nor Haldeman, whose only successes were trifling, can be considered ____________ personal triumph.
The readiness with which media outlets gave the actor opportunities to air her ingenuous views on public health reflected the extent to which, in our culture, celebrity (i)____________ authority and negates (ii)____________.
(i)____________ analyses are (ii)____________ subtle data selection biases. This effect is illustrated by the enduring myth that animals can sense impending earthquakes. It is possible that animals respond to weak initial shaking that humans miss, but any pet owner knows that unusual behavior in animals is very frequent. People ascribe significance only in hindsight.
Which of the following best characterizes the relationship of the last paragraph of the passage to the first two paragraphs?
The author uses each of the following points to support the claim that bebop was "an isolated music" EXCEPT:
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about bebop musicians?
It can be inferred that, compared to earlier jazz historians, "historians today" are more likely to
The author argued that the industrial agricultural system that prevails in the United States is unsustainable and, therefore, anything that ____________ it should be questioned.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The passage suggests which of the following about Breton costume?
The passage indicates which of the following about outsiders' views of Breton costumes?
The results of the latest survey being ____________, earlier results gave researchers little relevant experience for the new data's interpretation.
Despite the fact that the political scientist's negative forecast about the country's future is altogether (i)____________, its believability is (ii)____________ by her unrelenting pessimism.
It is often the case that a certain intellectual advantage may be found by being (i)____________ an established field of knowledge, but even if you accept the argument about the importance of (ii)____________ thinking, it is hardly the only significant thinking there is.
The power of laughter to affect the perceived funniness of television programming is (i)____________: most researchers have found that the inclusion of laughter on a program's soundtrack (ii)____________ the overall perception of humor, although it appears that it can (iii)____________ humor at specific points and thus boost the total comic appeal of the program.
The primary function of the highlighted sentence is to


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