A member of the pantheon of African American southern writers, Earnest Gaines hails from a region with such a ______________ artistic tradition that one would assume that his subject matter would be inherited as his birthright.
Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that a deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto __________ party is ready to bargain.
What Dr. Walther has shown is that many of the standard statistical techniques that are supposed to insure against _________ correlations are inadequate in this case.
Although the virtues of supplementing wild fish populations with fish from hatcheries are often ______________, scientific studies have indicated that fish stocking can harm the wild, native species of the water body.
A big surprise, from a writer of Wilson`s sardonic bent, is that his new book should be so persistently ______________.
Behavioral economists point to _____________ as one reason that people do not always make choices that promote their own welfare; sometimes people simply fail to take steps that they know to be in their own best interest.
Scientists could not build on each other's work if they could not trust the published work of their colleagues; thus progress in science depends on the ____________ of practicing scientists.
Nowhere is the gulf between humans and chimpanzees (i)____________ than in their mental abilities: whereas children gradually acquire the ability to infer the mental states of others, an acquisition that underlies language and culture, evidence for this ability in chimps is (ii)____________.
Most tree-dwelling lizards drop to the ground when threatened. But Sphenomorpus sabanus uses (i)____________, avoiding predation by hanging upside down and clinging to a branch with its hind claws so as to resemble a twig. Researchers suggest that the advantages of S. sabanus`s strategy is its (ii)____________. When predatory birds expect their prey to fall to the ground, the argument runs, (iii)____________ a lizard still hanging from a branch.
According to one view, works of literary fiction should faithfully reflect social reality, and adherents to this view tend to assume that social reality has only one face: a damaged and dysfunctional one. This view has had less impact on the musical arts, however. Composers are free to write music that is (i)____________ without being condemned for their (ii)____________. Yet writers, by contrast, are expected to (iii)____________ if they wish to be taken seriously.
Without a proper sense of its own legitimacy in Japanese society, the Liberal Democratic Party retreats to a sort of ____________ politics that tries desperately not to offend anyone.
While the rate at which absolute global sea level is rising may seem ___________, it has been far from an incidental factor in human history.
In her study of the composer, Fiona Richards fearlessly digs into biographical details, avoiding the ____________ found in the work of other, more circumspect biographers.
Responsibility for the nation's decline rests squarely with a people who take for granted their claims to preeminence but do not ____________ interest in or commitment to actually maintaining it.
The distribution of large carnivores often depends on management efforts rather than on human population density as such; indeed biological variables, such as habitat loss, are generally _____________ carnivore prevalence than human density is.
The watchword in astronomy is ___________: all claims must be examined critically in the light of current knowledge, and one`s mind should never be closed to the possibility that a theory could be wrong.
Lohr`s (i)____________ the trappings of literary celebrity creates a Romantic aura for him: by distancing himself from all public discourse about himself or his work, Lohr becomes an even greater, albeit more (ii)____________, celebrity than most authors manage in all their interviews and memoirs.
Recent academic work suggests that people in difficult circumstances who believe those circumstances to be irreversible are happier than are people who think their condition may be (i)____________. In such cases, ironically, hope may not be (ii)____________ of misery.
Research indicates that many people hold (i)____________ views about government, believing that elected officials should be able to overcome differences and get things done while also regarding a willingness to compromise as a sign of (ii)____________.
Although the impression that quantum mechanics is limited to the microworld (i)____________ the public understanding of science, it is (ii)____________. Quantum effects may be harder to see in the macroworld, but experiments have now confirmed that these effects are (iii)____________ than anyone ever suspected.