Paleoclimatic records recovered from land, the ocean, and glacial ice (i)____________ a (ii)____________ global climate over much of the last glacial cycle. Indeed, in many locations in the Northern Hemisphere, changes in climate spanning almost the full range of glacial to interglacial conditions were so (iii)____________ that the transition between climate states occurred in decades or less.
The _____________ diction of the short Somali poetry form known as balwo was well suited for political purposes: invective could easily be hidden in an apparent love poem.
The athlete had long been recognized as having two sides to her personality: she was an imperious, steely competitor and at the same time ___________ sportswoman.
The common principle behind the hourglass and the water clock is ___________: controlled movement of a fluid or fluid-like substance from one vessel to another can measure a predetermined amount of time.
Monarch butterflies sequester toxins in their skin to discourage predators, but black-backed orioles (Icterus abeillei) ___________ the defense: they consume only the soft insides of the butterfly.
The company suffers from an almost total lack of ____________: even the most innocuous communications between departments tend to devolve into acrimony.
Some species` camouflage patterns may be ___________, granting those species a higher chance of survival in a heterogeneous environment.
It is ironic that the scientist`s work was criticized recently for its ____________ research methodology, since other researchers have argued for years that this same methodology was based absolutely on impeccable logic.
Japanese consumers -no matter what a brief stroll in Tokyo`s Ginza shopping district may suggest-are saving more and spending less. In March, for instance, sales at department stores fell by 21 percent compared with the previous year. (i)____________, in the previous March shoppers had been out in force to (ii)____________ the implementation of a new consumption tax. But even when that is (iii)____________, households are still spending less than they did a year ago.
Since scientific truths must be discovered, and since many, probably most, are far from (i)____________, futile investigations are (ii)____________. Thus, the path to the truth is decidedly a (iii)____________ one.
There is a revelation on almost every page of this book, and the author's prose is ____________ in the best possible way: blunt, sweet, off-kilter, and often quite funny.
The senator complained that the president`s argument against the provision was __________, gaining its apparent plausibility from a distorted presentation of the relevant data.
Recent advances in the study of desert varnish have been a boon to geologists, allowing them to date surface features and establish regional histories in ___________ detail.
Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, was celebrated for his moderation and temperate living, qualities that would distinguish him from so many of his ___________ successors.
Issues associated with intermittent availability of wind and sunlight as forms of renewable energy are not ____________, as shown by recent advances in energy conversion and storage.
Baron's book implores scientists to present their work in ways that are accessible to the general public in order to save the world at large from scientific illiteracy, ______________ that is echoed in other recent publications.
Some norms governing authors` dedications of their works are (i)____________ the norms governing ordinary speech (it may be wrong to lie, and thus wrong to lie in dedication), but other norms are (ii)____________ dedications. For example, one ought not dedicate to a worthy recipient an object that one feels is devoid of value.
Seemingly to compensate for the (i)____________ nature of her subject, in her review the theater critic (ii)____________ a casual chatty style.
Extreme political positions actually tend to be more (i)____________ than the platforms of large political parties, since the alliance of diverse interests that constitutes a big party is often (ii)____________ except that it makes for a powerful coalition capable collectively of exerting a government influence.
Anna Barbauld's 1804 edition of Richardson's correspondence has been (i)____________. Although she (ii)____________ many of the letters that are included and made stylistic changes throughout, often for the worse, she was, by the standards of her time, quite (iii)____________ editor with regard to her respect for the original texts.