

Each memoir must (i)___________ by making an implicit claim that the life of its author is somehow (ii)_________. Thus, if the reader begins to experience a memoir as too (iii)_________, the memoir has lost its reason for being.
The relationship between mental function and brain anatomy is nowhere near as ___________ as in the case of the body: we cannot just look and see what does what in the brain.
Although a dedicated reader of the book can ____________ a brief chronology of Chappelle`s life, the book is nevertheless not a true biography of Chappelle.
Despite the general ____________ of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
Although many parents tend to be extremely critical of the public school educational system as a whole, they are reluctant to treat their children's teachers with equal _____________.
In general, the relationship between neural activity and behavioral output is ____________: multiple behaviors can be associated with activation of the same neurons and multiple neurons can trigger the same behavior.
It is ironic that the scientist`s work was criticized recently for its ____________ research methodology, since other researchers have argued for years that this same methodology was based absolutely on impeccable logic.
In China, beginning in the 1920s, the field of geography was (i)___________ discourse, alive to indigenous Chinese traditions even as it (ii)___________ key elements of Western scientific geography.
An affinity for (i)___________ is a characteristic of Bynum`s work and of her rhetorical strategy as a historian, and it is often both refreshing and illuminating. But this predilection for (ii)___________ can be vexing, too, by appearing to eschew necessary distinctions.
Sociological jurisprudence has a (i)___________ rather than (ii)___________ focus: it is concerned with what actually goes on in the legal system, not with what ought to go on.
When learners are engaged in mathematical problem-solving, their activity does not have from the outset the structure of what will be considered a mathematical proof. Instead, a tangle of intuitions, know-how, factual knowledge, and a variety of other mental constructs allows learners to entertain choices and make decisions. Nonetheless, (i)___________ such mental activity (ii)___________ is (iii)___________: in many situations this process works, although it can prove to be wrong as a result of overgeneralizations.
The problem a generation ago was not the new art itself but the heightened intensity of conviction surrounding it, which is thankfully absent in our wonderfully _____________ times.
He found his new acquaintance to be ___________: trying to understand her personality was like peering into an unknown dimension.
The _____________ of Craig`s government had left the nation almost totally unprepared for war when it came.
A priori mathematics, according to Galileo, does not ____________ the need for observation, but mathematics does allow us to deduce unobservable properties and thus to penetrate further into the structure of nature than observation does.
For Confucius, names had ____________ contents; no matter how time marched on and the affairs of the world changed, the proper names of things absolutely could not vary.
Astronomy dominated ancient science partly because it was ______________ in a way that the physics and biology of the time were not: even in prehistory, people probably used the apparent motion of the Sun, for example, as a crude clock, calendar, and compass.
During the decade 2000-2010 in the United States, the increase in self-employed Hispanic entrepreneurs (i)____________ the increase in Hispanic workers overall. Historically, Hispanics have been (ii)____________ in the self-employment sector, so this change reduced the amount by which the Hispanic self-employment rate trailed the overall self-employment rate.
Unlike, say, locusts, which simply raze entire fields, stinkbugs wreak their havoc (i)____________. The injury they do to corn, for instance, is (ii)____________ the ear is husked, at which point certain kernels—the ones into which a stinkbug stuck its pointy mouth—will reveal themselves to be sunken and brown.
Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie often reminds her readers that although a novel may not be written as (i)____________, its author`s (ii)____________ may nonetheless be (iii)____________, even if only because the stories we tell always emerge from our particular social and political context.


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