While the professor was once known for expressing herself (i)________, that is no longer true. Her writing style is much more (ii)________ than it was when she started her career over 30 years ago.
For private fossil collectors, a fossil`s value is (i)________ the object itself. For scientists, however, the value of a fossil is usually (ii)________. Most paleontological research focuses not only on the fossil itself, but also on the fossil`s location, the kind of rock it was found in, its position in the historical sequence, and how the fossil is positioned relative to other fossils.
Documenting the lives of African Americans before Emancipation is (i)________ undertaking: even when printed accounts are (ii)________, they are often (iii)________, and details printed as fact may be merely speculative.
In a 1931 article, Duke Ellington suggested that jazz had _________ aspect: "What we could not say openly, we expressed in music, and what we know as `jazz` is something more than just dance music."
Aboriginal people of Victoria, Australia, neither rejected Western material culture nor demonstrated an obsession with it; in fact, Western artifacts such as pipes and handkerchiefs were appreciated for their symbolic rather than their _________ value.
Despite dogs` talent for detecting those high-pitched whistles that are inaudible to us, dogs` ability to locate sounds is _________ compared with ours.
The coagulated latex of the gutta-percha tree, which grows wild in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Malaya can be formed into a natural plastic that, although inelastic under ordinary conditions, becomes ___________ when placed in hot water.
The preliminary analysis being on the whole, reassuring its confirmation would ____________ concerns about the dangers of the project.
_______________ though individual mosquitoes appear, historically they have shown an impressive ability to travel, sometimes at stowaways in water casks and drinking vessels on ships travelling to distant continents.
I did not begin work on my biography of Mary Somerville as Somerville's (i)__________. When I first began studying her, I saw Somerville and the esteem in which her contemporaries held her as (ii)____________. Over time, however, I have come to understand what she accomplished and why it was justly valued.
Aztec songs dating from the mid-1500s were wrapped in mystery from the time they became written texts: judging by the largely (i)___________ glosses contained in the manuscripts, it is clear that even the native scribes, though fluent in Nahuatl, were (ii)_________ the material they had taken in dictation from the singers.
With so many scientific papers chasing so few pages in the most prestigious journals, the winners could be the ones most likely to oversell themselves—to trumpet amazing or important results that later turn out to be false. This would produce a (i)________ picture of scientific knowledge, with less (ii)___________ but more (iii)_________ results either relegated to obscure journals or left unpublished.
Far from ___________ innovation, as the patent system was designed to do, the patenting of concepts such as gene sequences gives individuals and corporations a legal choke to hold over ideas that should be useful to all.
Many types of rocks contain small voids that ___________ vibrations: the greater proportion of a rock's volume that is void, the more gradually vibrations travel through it.
Journal editors note that the peer review process has difficulty detecting _______________: deliberate misinformation, if it is clever enough, might sail right through no matter how scrupulous the reviews.
In the early 1960s, Hofstadter observed that intellectuals tend to view business as the “classic enemy” of intellectualism and that businessmen themselves have so long accepted this role that by now their ___________ is seen as a fact of nature.
The science of astronomy was begun by amateurs and today remains dependent on their contributions, which are incisive by virtue of being ____________ by the a priori assumptions that often vitiate the work of professional research scientists.
Sinden notes that in the face of warnings about the perils of climate change, the need to agree on strategies for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions is increasingly urgent. The question of who should reduce emissions is not (i)__________. Rather, according to Sinden, it is the question of who should bear the costs of these reductions that is (ii)____________.
Rocks of the Morrison Formation in the western United States yield many dinosaur fossils but few plant fossils. This apparent (i)___________ of plants leads some scientists to speculate that the region was once mostly barren. But others have (ii)__________, noting that the herbivorous dinosaurs there would have needed an abundant food supply.
Traditional Vietnamese culture has long promoted the idea of gender equality. Founding myths (i)___________ the equal division of labor in child care for mothers and fathers. As is often the case, however, theoretical commitments are (ii)___________ actual practices. In reality, gender-based (iii)___________ persists.