

When Kim Dae Jung was decisively elected South Korea's president in December 1997, he was considered something of ____________ but nevertheless the right man for the time and the job.
The author first accused the official of espionage in a 1981 book, and-though the case was far from ____________, full of suppositions rather than compelling evidence-the accusation has been repeated relentlessly ever since.
There has been a noticeable reversal from the time when (i)____________ was accepted as the essential characteristic of genuine science: now the role of (ii)____________ in scientific research is generating a great deal of interest.
Whether the film is ____________ adaptation of the legend is debatable: the author of the screenplay claims that it was based on the original tale, but admits taking some interpretive license with the story.
Evidence of the human brain's ____________ abounds: violinists, for example, tend to have larger cortical areas devoted to processing signals from their fingering hands than do non-violinists.
Ancient coins displayed in museums are almost by definition ____________, on display precisely because they are the most beautiful, the most elaborate, and the best-preserved samples.
Debates over technologies often ____________ their development: we can reflect on many of the social and ethical issues that the possibility of geoengineering the climate raises right as these technologies are coming into existence.
This book indulges in a number of convenient ____________, including its dubious timeline and its veneer of collective authorship.
With Duncan's ambitious study,Chesnutt appears finally to have outgrown the ____________ treatment he once received from literary historians and critics for whom he typically served as a merely transitional figure in the African American tradition.
Newcomb did more than merely extol the use of objective analysis to address social problems. Through a steady stream of books, articles, and speeches, he sought to provide a (i)____________ examination of and prescription for political and economic ills, thus practically demonstrating-rather than simply (ii)____________—the (iii)____________ of such impartial study.
There is a vast disparity of computational power between mathematical ____________ like many of us and a mathematical prodigy like Ramanujan.
In the Hawaiian Islands, where the volcanic material is initially too ____________ to support running surface water, rainwater simply percolates down through the substratum.
In wastewater tested before and after treatment at some treatment plants, certain medications were found in higher concentrations after treatment than before, suggesting that microbes used to clean wastewater may also be ____________ some medications that had broken down earlier.
According to Peter Kwapong, rural Ghanaian farmers, despite regarding stingless bees as useful animals, by and large have not ____________ the bees as economic resources.
Honoring science as an international endeavor, the Royal Society of London has always been committed to political (i)______________. Consequently, the society refused to (ii)_______________ members from enemy nations during the world wars of the twentieth century.
One of the reporter's central themes is that health care concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers in their drive to limit if not completely ____________ the consumption of cigarettes.
The readiness with which media outlets gave the actor opportunities to air her ingenuous views on public health reflected the extent to which, in our culture, celebrity (i)____________ authority and negates (ii)____________.
It is often the case that a certain intellectual advantage may be found by being (i)____________ an established field of knowledge, but even if you accept the argument about the importance of (ii)____________ thinking, it is hardly the only significant thinking there is.
Natural selection has favored some instinctive reactions of organisms over others, so only those that promote survival and reproduction have become established, but instinctive responses need not be : they may adjust over time.


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