The historical study of pregnancy and childbearing began fairly recently and has been hindered by the relative _____________ of records concerning these particular experiences.
Some species` camouflage patterns may be _____________, granting those species a higher chance of survival in a heterogeneous environment.
If we admire Winslow Homer as he wished to be admired, for his avoidance of claptrap and sentimentality, we may fear that Wood has done him a disservice by introducing _____________ note into his discussion of the painter.
The psychologists' new findings present the discipline with a (i) _____________: although her results pose a problem for the standard theory, the alternative theories she proposes are (ii)______________.
With so many scientific papers chasing so few pages in the most prestigious journals, the winners could be the ones most likely to oversell themselves—to trumpet amazing or important results that later turn out to be false. This would produce a (i) _____________ picture of scientific knowledge, with less (ii) _____________ but more (iii)_____________ results either relegated to obscure journals or left unpublished.
Books about humor are rarely funny. Their goal, after all, is to (i)_____________ the workings of that which we find comic, not to (ii) ____________ laughter, and understanding why jokes are funny is not in itself (iii)_____________.
The latest encyclopedia (i)_____________ the (ii)_____________ made by many other books on how things work—giving (iii)_____________ for every device, no matter how complicated—by taking just as long as is needed to explain things.
The folktale is perhaps the most _____________ form of literature: a story that everyone is free to tell and embellish because it belongs to no one in particular.
Too much focus on what might have been can cause in us feelings of powerlessness and regret, but some scientists are beginning to think that imagining an alternative reality might have _____________ effects as well.
Historically, the depletion of soil`s nitrogen has been one of the most _____________ problems faced by farmers: an essential nutrient, nitrogen is quickly leached from soil, and farmers have struggled to find ways to replenish it.
Although the courts have _____________ an extremely flexible test for determining the admissibility of expert testimony, that does not mean that all experts will be allowed to testify.
Drug companies rarely pursue new pharmacotherapies for rare diseases because of the high failure rates and the cost of research, which make the companies` chances of recovering their investments ______.
This is neither praise nor criticism, neither a compliment nor _____________, just an observation.
The kilt has certainly had (i) _____________ history, outlawed as it was by Britain in 1746 as an emblem of nationalist subversion, then more recently (ii) _____________ from men's to women's apparel in a 2003 European Union survey, and ridiculed at various times for a wide variety of reasons.
The genius of the scientific method is that it (i) _____________ the dictum of Aristotle that the goal of science is knowledge of the ultimate cause of things. True science, we now know, advances human knowledge by (ii) _____________ ultimate cause and focusing instead on the testing of empirical hypotheses.
She may have been (i) _____________ when she was finance minister, fighting deficits, but now as prime minister she is marked by her (ii) _____________.
If a figure such as the editor and writer Pauline Hopkins presents (i) _____________ challenges to a would-be biographer because of her confounding periods of silence, largely unknown personal life, and (ii) _____________ papers, the problems posed by John Edward Bruce are of the opposite kind: he published (iii) _____________ throughout his life, had an extensive correspondence, and left a huge trove of materials at his death.
We wallow in bad news, tales of how things went wrong, but we have only the most _____________ discussions regarding how they might go right.
Scientists are finding that the adult brain is for more _____________ than they once thought: our behavior and environment can cause substantial rewiring of the brain or a reorganization of its functions and where they are located.
Though it once seemed so disastrous, with hindsight the disintegration of the artists" collective is revealed as generative, for each of the dispersed factions acted as a _____________, reproducing the collective's founding inspiration in a new setting.