Although streams of solar particles cause beautiful auroras-the northern and southern lights—sometimes their consequences are less _____________: their electromagnetic effects, for instance, can overload power grids and damage orbiting satellites.
Although many parents tend to be extremely critical of the public school educational system as a whole, they are reluctant to treat their children`s teachers with equal _____________.
What differentiates this book from more traditional works on grammar is that it reserves its _____________ not for students of writing, but for teachers who harbor unduly restrictive views.
_____________ is an important ingredient in the success of the jazz collective "The West Coast Get Down": to explain the confluence of circumstances leading to their stardom, one almost has to resort to mysticism.
Science is a seemingly inexhaustible source of _____________, yet paradoxically scientists have been portrayed in recent decades as rather conservative—resisting innovation in their discipline sometimes to the point of dogmatism.
The politician was famously restrained, with a tendency to focus his fury inward: while he would defend himself publicly against detractor's attacks, he would never stoop to _____________.
By using (i) _____________ prose throughout, the contributors to this anthology have been able to make their subject seem (ii) _____________ in the extreme—of concern only to one another.
For decades scientists believed in the (i) _____________ of long-term memories; they were unstable for a few hours but then became etched into the brain for good. Current research, however, suggests that recalling a memory causes it to revert temporarily to an insecure state in which the recollection can be (ii) _____________. Thus, memory is much more (iii) _____________ than scientists had previously thought it to be.
Lasting inflation trains consumers to expect that goods will be more expensive tomorrow, so the (i) _____________ thing to do is buy today. When inflation is (ii) _____________, in other words, people believe the value of their money is (iii) _____________ and act accordingly.
The series of documentaries certainly does seem to promote the country's recent diplomatic initiatives; in fact, some of the films appear to be _____________ those initiatives.
The book captures the _____________of several politicians who spoke publicly of old-time virtues in order to mask private vices.
The rebellion was _____________ one, driven less by ardor than by reason and calculation.
_____________ neuroscience's explanatory power, Patricia Churchland maintains that questions that have been discussed to no effect by philosophers over many centuries are solvable once rephrased as questions of neuroscience.
Children will often present their egocentric frustrations with appeals to objective standards of fairness; doing so does not indicate duplicity but rather the fact that, for many children, private sufferings and social imbalances are _____________.
The membership of the two clubs being _____________, no one had a member's perspective on both.
The overall message of this book on neuroscience is (i) _____________: the brain is quite (ii) _____________, and therefore damaged brains can be healed, aging brains can be rejuvenated, and even ordinarily healthy brains can be made faster and better.
When in 1980 the father and son pair of Louis and Walter Alvarez and their colleagues linked the end Cretaceoure extinction to a catastrophic extraterrestrial impact, they were met with skepticism by most paleontologists, which was (i) _____________ given that geological training since the mid-1800s had emphasized the primacy of (ii) _____________.
The novel`s heroine shows a remarkable (i) _____________ to worship at the altar of youth; in her world, youth is (ii) _____________ , while age, by contrast, confers competence and wisdom.
The potential (i) _____________ exploiting mineral resources in the area combined with (ii) participation among local people in conservation efforts may lead to a (iii) _____________ human appreciation for the landscape and eventually contribute to disadvantageous effects for conservation.
Those who initially recorded American Indian oral stories often _____________ them when they wrote them down; the subsequent publishers of American Indian stories, therefore, are not the first to affect the meaning of the text.