Among some demographic groups, the Internet is _____________: almost everybody who wants Internet access has it.
The reliable production of usable energy through the controlled fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium remains an elusive dream: even the most ardent efforts to achieve it have thus far been _____________.
The television network seems to regard its longest-running comedy show as _____________, keeping it in the schedule even as the humor it churns out is notoriously hit-or-miss.
In his writings on Bob Dylan, Greil Marcus is admirably _____________: he knows that not to hold Dylan to the highest possible standard is to condescend to him.
For many in the room, the idea of coming to the assistance of a rival was more than unpleasant: it was _____________.
The newspapers described the writer as a (i) _____________, but she was really quite (ii) _____________once you met her in person.
Researchers note that wolves` otherwise strongly hierarchical society is marked by occasional displays of populist (i) _____________ : if a pack leader proves a too-snappish tyrant, subordinate wolves will (ii) _____________ the top cur.
An innovative musician, accompanist extraordinaire, and protomodern hipster, Lester Young(1909-1959 ) remains a (i) _____________ in the jazz firmament. Some of the reasons are obvious: although he dressed with conspicuous cool, he chose an artistic trajectory that seemed calculated to (ii) _____________ the spotlight—his best work was in the bands o other musicians, such as Billie Holiday and Count Basie, rather than at the front of his own. Moreover, he was shy, subtle, and sensitive—traits not usually associated with great (iii) _____________ .
Although it is quite probable that many small asteroids in the solar system's asteroid belt have (i) _____________, the total mass of these objects cannot be (ii) _____________, since the combined gravitational pull of all known asteroids is (iii) ______ to fully account for the asteroid belt's effect on the motion of nearby planets such as Mars.
Even though Our Lady of the Forest achieves clinical evenhandedness in depicting the most depressing members of a small logging town, the novel lacks a single likable character and too often runs aground on _____________ writing.
The auditors are relying on the failing bank to make changes that it has steadfastly resisted for years and even now does not seem _____________ to carry out.
Responsibility for the nation's decline rests squarely with a people who take for granted their claims to preeminence but do not _____________ interest in or commitment to actually maintaining it.
The _____________ of criteria for determining what is meant by "balance" and whether it is beneficial makes it difficult to evaluate claims that probiotics promote a healthy balance of microorganisms in the body.
The economist argued that however much the government might trumpet the value of _____________ , it had been as bold as any other in its spending programs.
Not all Native American languages have lexical classes corresponding to those of other languages: many have no adjectival category, and some have even brought the ________ of nouns and verbs into question.
Because human emotions are behavioral complexes, they presumably took a very long time to develop. Therefore, a complete lack of any (i) _____________ human emotions in ancestral species is (ii) _____________.
While it would be hard to categorize her as a (i) _____________ liberal, the governor appears to have ceded some of her carefully cultivated reputation as (ii) _____________ and is now more in line with the liberal wing of her party.
Reviews written by music critic and composer Stephenson were hardly (i) _____________: musicians who performed his music could count on sympathetic coverage, while those who ignored him were held to (ii) _____________ standard.
Climate change is posited to be a frequent factor in mass extinctions by some scientists who speculate that minor climate shifts can trigger a catastrophic cascade of effects. Although this pattern is (i) _____________ in that it confirm warnings about our own possibly dire future, it is also somehow (ii) _____________, as it sets forth a context for today's turbulent weather as (iii) _____________ in a natural, cyclical process.
The danger of isolation appears often in Anishinaabe stories but is nowhere more_______than in the Cree and Ojibwa tales about the Windigo, a terrifying ice monster that is literally a lost soul.