

In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite ______________.
Since beavers rely on auditory signals such as the tail slap and whining and hissing, we can infer that their hearing is _____________, although we don`t know the exact sensitivity and performance of their acoustical sense.
To call a preserved artifact a communication channel may seem like science fiction, but to paleoanthropologists the two are ________________: ancient artifacts are the media by which information is transmitted from the prehistoric past to the modern world.
In many places there is enough land-to-sea runoff to __________ carbonate development, but where it can occur, a range of localized carbonates-including patch reefs, shoals, or pinnacle reefs-can form and grow into extensive structures.
Robin's words were not without emotion: they retained their level tone only by a careful ______________ extremes.
It cannot be denied that there is (i)____________ underlying termite research: the often (ii)____________ agendas of work aimed at producing quick results and of the slower, more methodical approach known as basic science, which tries to discover the fundamental logic of natural processes.
In A World on Fire, Joe Jackson draws on the biographies of two eighteenth-century chemists to bring to light intriguing tensions within their careers. Priestley, the (i)____________ chemist, was a passionate radical in virtually all of his other activities and writings. By contrast, Lavoisier, the (ii)____________ scientist, was very much a member of the social and political establishment.
The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)____________ in the most positive sense of the word: it (ii)____________ rather than settles.
The extant evidence of Pluto's collisions with other cosmic objects over time is (i)____________. When Pluto is closest to the Sun, frozen surface material evaporates into a temporary atmosphere and eventually into space. This process (ii)____________ older impact craters, so Pluto's surface provides a record of (iii)____________ collisions.
For certain economies, "pure" economic theory, that is, economic theory ____________ a specific social structure, is impossible, much like a concept of anatomy that investigates no specific species.
A telescope orbiting in space, above the unruly atmosphere, is able to detect ultraviolet and infrared emissions that are blocked by Earth's atmosphere and thus _____________ to astronomers on the ground.
There's ______________ throughout the Broadway adaptation of The Color Purple that, while hardly true to the harrowing bleakness of the early chapters of Alice Walker's novel, does bring to mind the enjoyable hokey cinematic lavishness of the film version.
What Dr. Walther has shown is that many of the standard statistical techniques that are supposed to insure against _______________ correlations are inadequate in this case.
The automation of many of the functions performed at the factory, although initially inspiring _____________ in many of the company`s employees, has had none of the deleterious effects forecast either within or beyond the organization.
The myth of the scientific method as a neat progression from hypothesis to experiment to conclusion is dispelled once you enter a lab and observe the _____________ process by which researchers actually make discoveries.
That formal conversation could obscure a speaker's (i) _____________ was familiar to eighteenth-century English intellectuals, since they often found that the language of polite discourse was (ii) _____________ imparting their emotions.
After the first monarch butterfly overwintering site was discovered in Mexico in 1975, the biologist Lincoln Brower (i) _____________ the (ii) _____________ of additional sites. The principal reason for Brower`s contention was that roosting in a very limited area would make the species highly vulnerable to wildfire.
(i) _____________ the cumbersome phraseology of contemporary critical theory, her treatise is, stylistically at least, in sharp contrast with the (ii) _____________ of the prose she is analyzing—prose reflective of a culture that values extreme linguistic compression.
Materials expand and contract with temperature changes. This general concept has been exploited for thousands of years, for instance, to ensure tight rivets in blacksmithing by shrink-fitting. For precision instruments, however, (i) _____________ materials are truly (ii) _____________ : hence the importance of Invar, an alloy notable for its (iii) _____________ expansion and contraction over a range of temperatures.
After the Turkish Republic was established, traditional hamams (bathhouses) seemed to many Turks to be outmoded, but thanks to tourism, hamams have experienced a _____________, becoming important cultural sites for foreign and Turkish visitors alike.


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