

The writer's expression of _____________ sentiments in fluid, vigorous prose is a strange blending of the high and the low—like an opera performed by sloppily dressed, unkempt musicians.
California's building codes are more _____________ than those elsewhere in the United States to ensure that structures are capable of protecting people from frequent seismic events.
Jean Kimmel and Emily Hoffman argue for expanding the definition of child-care subsidies to include all programs that _____________ or otherwise offset expenses for nonparental child care.
Nociception is the process of detection and processing of a noxious stimulus by the nervous system; however, nociception is not ____________ pain, as the former is not necessarily associated with a negative emotional response or feeling.
The president's cordial greeting may seem to be a small gesture of friendliness, but it is not without ______________ in the heretofore stilted atmosphere of the society's meetings.
Fears that the recent sharp rise in oil prices is an indication that oil is running out appear to be (i)____________. The Middle East still contains vast oil supplies. Furthermore, even if new oil finds elsewhere have been (ii)____________ than in the past, substantial quantities of oil can be profitably stripped from tar and shale.
Although economics emerged as a discipline in Great Britain and France at the end of the eighteenth century, it has taken two centuries to become (i)____________ field of study: among early economists, intuition and opinion (ii)____________ facts and figures in economic thought, but the teaching of economics today is dominated by complex algorithms and mathematical models.
The nineteenth-century periodical The Farmer`s Wife positioned the farm woman as a consumer, as evidenced by its echoing the (i)____________ sensibilities of consumer-oriented magazines such as Ladies` Home Journal, but in reality the farm woman was often engaged in (ii)____________ as much as in consumption, planting and harvesting alongside other workers in the field.
The notion that whales have any sort of culture is (i)____________ most social scientists, who (ii)____________ the idea that animals—even the great apes, whose social structure is closest to that of humans—have culture. Clearly whales do not produce art of literature. But patient observation of whales by biologists over many years has begun to reveal behaviors that can only have been (iii)____________ other whales, rather than being instinctual. And that, say the biologists, constitutes culture.
Advertising's role in popular music culture has been redefined: instead of a last resort for the creation and distribution of popular music, advertising now functions as a ___________ of music that might otherwise go unheard.
The bird-watchers' ________________ distinguishing personal interpretations from factual observations was a liability in their stated goal of obtaining objective information about the everyday behavior of ravens.
Beauford Delano`s dynamic depictions of Harlem and Greenwich Village, dating from 1929 to 1953, ______________ the energy of the city, while the equally captivating abstract compositions from his Paris years of 1953 to 1979 demonstrate his sustained exploration of color.
Meteorology is one of the few fields of applied science that demands prediction, since prediction involves considerable uncertainty and uncertainty is _____________ scientists, meteorology will continue to exist in a fraught intellectual space.
The monitoring is not _____________: on the contrary, the defendant and his or her attorney are required to be given notice of the government`s listening activists.
The author`s account of her ordeal could easily have been _____________, sugar-coated with inspiration and soggy with tears; instead, it finds her writing with candor about her struggles and describing them with a rare intimacy.
The foundation`s new president is well aware that the foundation`s charter intends (i)____________ role for the office of president, but he is clearly determined to flout that intention by (ii)____________ as much power and responsibility as possible.
While Hassler`s trademark (i)____________ is sometimes useful in (ii)____________ an institution entrenched in complacency into changing its ways, such brusqueness is more often counterproductive, tending to (iii)____________ people.
Format influences how social media researchers conceptualize data`s utility: some social media providers make data available, but in a format that (i)____________ controversial context. As a result, most research projects study (ii)____________ social media posts, making most of the those posts (iii)____________ those trying to understand their value in context.
Each memoir must (i)____________ by making an implicit claim that the life of its author is somehow (ii)____________. Thus, if the reader begins to experience a memoir as too (iii)____________, the memoir has lost its reason for being.
The safety features of modern cars have actually had ____________ effect on people's driving: drivers are lulled into a false sense of security by their cars' sophistication and therefore drive less attentively.


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