

How many positive divisors of 210 are product of two primes?
Six identical balls need to be put into four different bottles. If at least one ball should be included in each bottle, then how many ways can these balls be arranged?
What is the probability that a number whose tens digit is no more than 3 and units digit is no more than 4 is selected when selecting a number from 100 to 159 (inclusive)?
Give your answer as a fraction.
What is the probability that A and B are both selected when you randomly select 40 people out of a pool of 100 people (A and B included)?
Give your answer as a fraction.
Of the 700 members of a certain organization, 120 are lawyers. Two members of the organization will be selected at random. Which of the following is closest to the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer?
Each of the nine digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is marked on a separate slip of paper and the nine slips are placed in a box. Three slips of paper will be randomly selected with replacement, and in the order selected the digits will be used to form a 3-digit number.

Quantity A

The probability that the 3-digit number will be greater than 600

Quantity B


Each of 10 balls has an integer 0 to 9, inclusive, painted on the side. Shane randomly pick on each time without replacement.

Quantity A

The probability that 5 is picked at the first time

Quantity B

The probability that 5 is picked not until the second time

If the area of the region is 5880, then what is the perimeter of the region? (All the angles shown above are right angles)

The digits of the integer n above are the digits of the integers from 1 to 500 written in consecutive order. How many digits does n have?


25000 +道题目

